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Advice on Planting Layout

John Troy

New Member
3 Aug 2024
I've mostly completed the hard-scape for my 30L nano cube, I'm away right now and plan to rearrange some rock-work slightly when I get back. However I've spent a decent amount of time trying to decide on the planting scheme but I'd appreciate some critique on my current plan and some additional suggestions. I'm using high light, CO2 and Ferts.

Monte Carlo carpet, interspersed with Marsilea minuta/hirsuta to add variety. Leading into the midground I plan to use gradient-ed Hydrocotle verticillata to add a different leaf shape and provide some variation in height to add depth.

Staurogyene Repens with some Pogosterum Helferi on the substrate to add different texture, Bucephalandra kedagang/narrow leaf as well as anubias nana petite on hardscape leading into background.

Hydrocotle Japan, as an epithyte, leading from the main rocks in the background down along the wood in the midground. Hygophila Pinnatifida on the main to rocks at the back growing up to the surface, with rotala blood red in the middle background as the main focal point.

(in the picture, blue is bucephalandra, yellow squiggle is h.japan, yellow bushes are p.helferi, greens are mix of monte carlo, staurogyene, marsilea and h.verticillata, red is h.pinnatifida, and orange is blood red rotala, confusing sorry for bad drawing just to help reference)


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