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Advice on Keeping Crabs

Dave Spencer

3 Jul 2007
N. Wales
Hi everyone,

I am just after a bit of advice for my daughter on keeping crabs. Basically, I don`t know a great deal about them personally.

She wants to keep them in a small tank of around 20l - 30l, so my guess is that they would probably need to be small, and preferably more freshwater aquatic than land based or salty. We live in a very soft water area.

Could anyone tell me what is available to her, and where they can be bought? I have lighting, heating, scaping materials etc in abundance.

Regards, Dave.
Thanks Clonitza. I have facebooked the link to her.

Regards, Dave.
Vampires are arborial crabs and spend very little time in water. They also need to be in groups to stop aggression as its very difficult to sex them until mature.

Also bare in mind vampires are pretty much nocturnal so you wont see much activity.

They really like tuna!
If you want totally Freshwater crabs that don't require land. have a look at the Thai Micro Crabs, great little crabs with big personalities. Spend all day picking up tiny food particles, and easy to feed with hikari shrimp cuisine.
Gill said:
If you want totally Freshwater crabs that don't require land. have a look at the Thai Micro Crabs, great little crabs with big personalities. Spend all day picking up tiny food particles, and easy to feed with hikari shrimp cuisine.
My local LFS has some of these, was tempted when I was there on Friday, might get some for my new setup, specially with black gravel they look great.
They are Great with Shrimp and They Live side by side happily.
And If you can get them for under £5 each more the better, as they like to be in groups.
I just Ordered myself 3 to add to my Pico, as miss keeping them. I can only Buy them online, as the only LFS that would order them in has closed.
They Like to graze, So Love a Mossy Tank.
I'm looking to get some of these. Where did you find them Gill? Could you pm me the details? Thanks.
I am currently trying to talk her in to the micro crabs. Cheers for the help one and all.
i was told that the micro crabs pick off baby shrimp Gill, is that true?

The have them in my local MA for £3 each, was thinking about it for my nano.
ianho said:
i was told that the micro crabs pick off baby shrimp Gill, is that true?

The have them in my local MA for £3 each, was thinking about it for my nano.

Never noticed that TBH, but baby shrimp are a very opportunistic snack for anything. Would not be surprised if they picked off a few.