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Advice on growing Dwarf hairgrass and hottonia palustris


17 Feb 2017
hi there i have gone and bought dwarf hair grass (not alot) and it has been planted in my tank i was wondering if there are any tips on growing this plant and any experience people have had with this. i really like the texture of the plant and really want it to take of in my tanks and would really want to succeed with this plant

Also i was thinking of getting hottonia palustris as i like the look of this plant and was wondering if anyone has any tips on growing this plant and how easy it is to grow?

i have a 200L tank with gravel substrate with DIY root tabs and im dosing LUSH Max all in one ferts and for lighting i have 2 x 30watts Daylight deluxe lights

Appeciate any help!
When you say "dwarf" HG, there are two types of them: the mini HG (Eleocharis Belem); and the real dwarf HG (Eleocharis Parvula).

Eleocharis Belem or Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' (shorter, more arching)

(Image from Tropica)


Eleocharis Parvula (a bit longer, less arching)


What is the one that you want to grow?

But I can't help you much about both of them even though I have the "mini" (which is the more difficult one) in my tank. Because I've them for years but they are not spreading. I think they need more light because my big Java fern is partly shading them. I have been planing to install another LED light just over them for a few years but have not managed to do it yet.

From my observation from others' tanks over the years, both will grow much faster if you have soil substrate (such as ADA Amazonia or Tropica's for example, not gravel-like such as Eco-complete or Seachem's lines or plain one). Everything will be easier if you have good substrate. But Mick.Dk managed to do a full carpet of the mini on gravel within 90 days.


the one i bought is the Eleocharis Parvula i have a gravel substrate but have been adding root tabs all around them
No worries! Lighting wise am I fine? As I know this is a low light plant which is why I bought it!

I have read that it needs around 0.3watts per gallon
In my experience, even the mini is very tolerant to low light. But it seems to need more light to spread. Well, wait for others who have experience with parvula.
Well I ended up buying the parvula as it said it was easy to grow didn't need much co2 and lighting I really want this plant to succeed and would rather stick with this plant as the don't want to waste more money and for the acicularis it says it's a slow grower and need medium co2 and lighting which I don't think I have
Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' is really easy, if you don't have co2 it will be a very slow grower though.

Difficult plants can be easy if their needs are met. I've CO2. I could grow a carpet of it in an outdoor tub with just gravel. I think I just need to move my butt and add light to that spot in my tank.

Well I ended up buying the parvula as it said it was easy to grow didn't need much co2 and lighting I really want this plant to succeed and would rather stick with this plant as the don't want to waste more money and for the acicularis it says it's a slow grower and need medium co2 and lighting which I don't think I have

How long have you had it? Is it getting worse?
Thing my tank is low tech I don't add co2 and the light is low-med I think

I only add root tabs and Lush max as ferts

I've only just planted it I think it's been 2-3 days nows some of the leaves are turning yellow but I don't know if that's due to the plant adjusting
What sort of gravel substrate? - most plants prefer fine substrates over larger gravels, plant growth tends to be "faster" in purpose designed/manufactured aquatic soils
An "old" gravel bed with mulm can be a plant friendlier place than a newly set up tank system

Root tabs tend to be slow release fertilizers & while supporting plant growth are quite unlike an enriched soil in action

Your tank can succeed but you'll need some patience & perseverance

CO2 greatly enhances growth rates - fertilizers are no substitute for CO2, as your growth rates will be limited by the low levels of CO2, also maintain reasonably low levels of fertilizers
If your water is very soft, you should aim for ~4dH carbonate hardness, you might also try supplementing with a liquid carbon such as Seachem's Excel (has some nice algicide properties as well)
If you've a higher fish load, these can also provide some CO2 over what's available through water:air interface, also make sure there is no surface film/scum as this can affect the passive diffusion

Most trade plants while "aquatic" are supplied in emerse growth form, so you can expect original growth to deteriorate & be replaced with new submerse adapted leafs, some plants will focus on root structure, then leaf, others seem to quickly build new leafs
Doing a carpet of Eleocharis acicularis 'mini' and micro swords myself in a 500L tank with a 50cm substrate level below the water. ADA AS CO2 four kessil 160 and 4/6 24w T5

The DSM stage went great, Flooded and still it grew, trimmed it and the little growth off grass and the swords struggled, waited 8weeks still no better, so just increased the light intensity and showing signs of recovery.
if i was to increase the amount of time my lights were one would that help?
Six million dollar question! it might help the carpet, it will help the algae.
No expert, but from what I've read CO2 is the most limiting factor to grow therefore CO2 is the most important for plant growth. increased CO2 or ferts doesnt incourage algea growth.
Also read it the quality of light not the quantity so High intensity for 6hrs is better than having the same amount of light landing over longer period.

Did have my DSM on 12hrs a day but no water so no algae
Pictures or set up details would help with more specific advice

eg, lighting may range from low to moderate depending on reflectors & bulb type (even T8's are available in a range of phosphors so may be HO or NO or something in the middle, there should be a lumen # on the bulb, some also list phosphor mix) & water height
If I was to add 5ml of easycarbo per day would that help?

It's a 200L tank with 2x30watts daylight deluxe blubs
Tropicas site Choose the correct light source for your needs well worth a read IMO

So say you have 40 Lumens per watt ( as the link suggests for T5 tubes)

40 x30 x 2 = 2400 Lumens total from your lights

2400/200 = 12 Lumen per litre (low)

Do you have refectors for your tubes that will help

What are the dimensions off your tank, or what is the depth from surface off water to the deepest part off your carpet?

Will LCO2 help - well still newbie myself but with your low Lumen to litre ratio I think light is the main limiting factor