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Advice needed


11 Feb 2009
I have a 180L (40 UK Gallons) Juwel Vision Tank

2 x 35w Lights I day buld and 1 Nature

I am getting a rented CO2 canister delivered shortly

I have also purchased 3 lots of ferts.

1 Potassium Nitrate - 500g £8.00
1 Monopotassium Phosphate - 250g £5.00
1 Trace Elements - 250g £10.50

Could someone advise me how much ferts to use when making up my stock in 500ml bottles and how much to add to my tank.

Thanks in advance for any advice given

Phil 🙂
Have a look under articles and you will see the following:

The Estimative Index (EI)
Dosing with Dry Salts


the above will give you info on your mix. if you need further help - let me know.

Thanks for the advice

I ended up using an excell chart from Phil Valentine that allows me to use easier ml sizes when dosing the tank.
I simply change the amount of each fert added to the original mixture.

So I dose 25ml of each fert 3 times per week and after I enter these figures into the chart it tells me how much fert to add to my original 500ml mix this amount changes if I change the size of my tank in the chart....its all clever stuff 🙂 it even tells me how much I am spending each day.