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Ad's Low tech-ish 54l-Updated!

Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

how often will i need to be doing water changes on this guys? if im dosing 2ml tpn+ and 2ml easycarbo daily? and lighting is just over 1wpg.
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

just been to the lfs, and brought some neons, 10. Ive never kept neons before, so i am amazed, they are soo colourful, its easy to see why they are popular...
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

alright mate, i dont think the anubias i brought was in good cop, when i had it it was a little brown and soft at the rhizome, and now, after a few days it seems to be breaking down a little more.. oh well :thumbdown:
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

AdAndrews said:
alright mate, i dont think the anubias i brought was in good cop, when i had it it was a little brown and soft at the rhizome, and now, after a few days it seems to be breaking down a little more.. oh well :thumbdown:

apparanetly, there is a disease that can affect anubias like you are describing. Cut the rotten growth off to stop it spreading further fown the rhizome.
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

all the pieces are rotting or rotten now :thumbdown: plus, i only have 5 neons left :lol: how pathetic, this is why i went with wcmm's on my nano tank, atleast i know they arent gonna die...
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

Neons dont like newer tanks 🙁
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

the tank isnt new mate, i wish i could use that as an excuse, but, the tanks been going for about 1.5 years now, same filter media, same background(which will be where the bacteria are). I think its a case of Neon tetra disease, the fish that i caught looking ill were swimming wierdly, that is a symptom, i knew some where gonna die anyways...
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

hi ad, you know me from the other forum :lol:
tanks looking good mate, where abouts did you get your t6 tube i can't find them anywhere 🙄
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

CONOR said:
hi ad, you know me from the other forum :lol:
tanks looking good mate, where abouts did you get your t6 tube i can't find them anywhere 🙄
Hello mate, try aqua essentials, they usually have them.
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

il have a look now :lol: you better have that shell dweller thread updated!.. :lol:
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

Im starting to get some new growth through now, from all of the plants.. which, is a nice change from the death of melting crypts 😀

i want to get,

some more anubias, to replace the rotting lot.
something like hydrocoytle(will this grow in low light conditions?),
and some vallis
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

Growth has been slow, but steady from this, up until about a week ago when i first noticed signs of algae, im getting some small thread or fuzz on my java fern narrow :thumbdown: its rough to touch, and looks to be a greyish colour..

however it has increased masively since i have upped my dosing? i know the EI thing an all, but has excess nutrients caused this?

Im unsure what to dose fert wise now, this is what i had been doing:

2ml tpn+ and 2ml easycarbo daily
then upped tpn+ to 3ml

now, reduced tpn+ to 2ml and easycarbo at 3ml daily to try to blast some of the algae with it...

what shall i do, lighting is only 15w T6, so surely i shouldnt be getting this issue.. however the algae is on the leaves that are in direct light, high up in the tank.

please advise.

Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

ok, so shall i just go back to the 2ml tpn+ and 2ml easycarbo daily? do you know if spot dosing easycarbo will kill the algae?
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

AdAndrews said:
do you know if spot dosing easycarbo will kill the algae?

Some have had success doing this. I believe the technique is to turn off all filters/power heads and spot dose around the affected areas; leave the filters off for a good few minutes to allow the EC to linger around the algae.

I've not really done this myself but I believe Stu, and others have.
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

unsure what to do with this now..? :thumbdown:

ive done a real hard prune back of my java fern to try and get rid of the algae infested leaves, but, its still there, ive got some kind off fuzz algae, staghorn, and green spot, what do i do? im currently:

2ml tpn+ daily
2ml easycarbo daily
water change ever 2 weeks...

is it a case of water changes every week now, or extend length of which i do them, with the whole low tech thing isnt it key to not do too many water changes too often, to avoid fluctuations of co2?

Ive just got my pfk mag today too, and upon reading GF's brilliant 25l nano planted tank im unsure whether to cut out my dosing of tpn+ as he has, ive now got a fairly high fish load-with 10 neons and 2x 2" bolivian rams, and 1 bn plec...

can anyone help me out?
Re: Ad's Low tech-ish 54l

If this was me I would spot dose the EasyCarbo with a syringe (with the flow turned off as Steve says), or try draining the tank and 'paint' it on with a brush. Try the tank without TPN+ and see how you go, just look for any deficiencies. I would up the amount of water changes too mainly out of habit and see if that improves anything