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Additional filter option for a 180l


9 Jul 2007
Hello Guys!

After having a bit of a planted tank break, i'm back with a fresh approach and need to upgrade some equipment where I am currently lacking.

I have an Eheim Pro 2 2062 which I'm happy with. I also have a koralie in there to up the flow rate.

I've noticed I get significant detrius buildup and after observing the tank, my filter doesnt get most of it as the inlet is only at one end of the tank. I want to get rid of the koralia and have another filter in there to help with the water colum cleaning but I'm not sure what to get.

Price is the biggest issue, then space is another. the filter has to fit under my tank along with the other eheim and a 5kg CO2 bottle. I've looked at the tetratec ex1200 but read these are massive!

Does anyone have thoughts as to where I should look for the additional filter?


Other than another filter - have you thought of spliting the water intake pipe into two - two intake tubes in each corner of the tank - pipes attached then a "Y" piece and then another pipe form the base of the "Y" to the filter unit.

That is if you are happy with the flow produced by the out going pipe from the filter unit.

Thanks for the reply. I did wonder about a y piece but i would really like the extra filtration to ensure that detrius buildup is minimised in the water column. I coudl also do with a more powerful filter on my aquamas CO2 reactor.

So it looks like the the Tetra Tec is a good bet then? Anyone have any alternative suggestions?
I have both and I like the accessories that the JBL comes with more, I've not had it running yet so I can't comment. I love my ex1200 though, super quiet and powerful.
I had an ex700 with a leaky head, it's moulding pips that aren't filed down enough. The customer services are exemplorary though, I got a brand new one within days of giving them an email saying what had gone on.
Garuf said:
I had an ex700 with a leaky head, it's moulding pips that aren't filed down enough. The customer services are exemplorary though, I got a brand new one within days of giving them an email saying what had gone on.

I had exactly the same problem and had the same end result. Cracking customer service!

I think based purely on size then the JBL wins it for me. I'll have to measure up but this is certainly a decent option.
once my cabinet door is closed i can't hear mine.my computer is louder :crazy: .

or maybe i'm mutton :lol: .
My JBL 900 is quite quiet but its not as quite as the TetraTec EX 600 which is on the tank in the sitting room.
Im awaiting my JCL e1500 and this wil be my upgrade from a Eheim 2217.
Do you keep the internal filter? Im planning to keep my internal filter as I intend to sell the 180l tank for a 240/300l tank in the coming year.