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Adding Slow release fertilizers under inert substrate ?


31 Dec 2012

I am planning to use moler clay as my substrate and was wondering if I should add some base layer slow release ferts underneath to benefit the plant roots. I was considering using some Osmocote covered with a shallow layer of sphagnum peat moss and then my clay on top of that.

What are the pro's & con's of this approach and is there better options to boost my inert substrate ?

If I did opt to use slow release ferts, does it matter which type of slow release fertilizers I buy (eg Miracle grow / Osmocote / Other) and their NPK ratio's or will any of them do the job?


Hi Paul,

I've used Osmocote slow release ferts in my Betta Aquarium with great success. I never added any extra ferts, my low light plants grew very well, the dwarf sag went like wild fire. If you are running a high tech tank, I wouldn't solely rely on the slow release ferts.

I have also used peat in this particular set up capped with cat litter (basically moler clay), the only downside to this as with any soil substrate, removing established tanks will bring the peat and soil. So if you are planning to constantly remove and rescape then it might not be the best idea to use soil based substrate. Another problem is when you take the tank down, it will be messy! But in my new set up I will replicate this substrate mix minus the osmocote because I'll use the low tech EI dosages.
The tank will be high tech with C02 injection, and I will be dosing the water column regularly (EI) with dry ferts.

I want to avoid making a mess when moving plants so I will probably forget the peat moss. Maybe I'll just put a sprinkling of osmocote directly underneath the clay.

Can you give any advice on which slow release ferts to buy that are readily available in the UK ? Does it matter ?
