Hi all,
Newbie here, i have been browsing the forums for a while now and thought it was time to become a member, any way i am hoping to get some advice for my 1st question. i have posted this in the co2 forum also.
i have experience of building a customised regulator for a pressurised co2 system using a cheapo single stage co2 regulator and i have now got my hands on a brand new BOC industrial series 9500 multi stage 4 bar oxygen regulator and would like to use it to replace my cheapo one.
Does anyone know of a way to adapt it for use on a FE, ie can i simply change the stem and nut over are the threads the same or is there a adaptor.
Newbie here, i have been browsing the forums for a while now and thought it was time to become a member, any way i am hoping to get some advice for my 1st question. i have posted this in the co2 forum also.
i have experience of building a customised regulator for a pressurised co2 system using a cheapo single stage co2 regulator and i have now got my hands on a brand new BOC industrial series 9500 multi stage 4 bar oxygen regulator and would like to use it to replace my cheapo one.
Does anyone know of a way to adapt it for use on a FE, ie can i simply change the stem and nut over are the threads the same or is there a adaptor.