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ADA Seiryu Stone vs Mini Landscape Rock


19 Nov 2009
Cape Town, South Africa
I visited TGM this weekend and bought ADA Seiryu Stone, close to 6kg of it, just placed it on my tank and it looks amazing against the green and red plants, with the dark substrate. Just amazing.

Now looking on the net I found Mini Landscape Rock from AE, quoted "Grey stone also known by ADA as Seiryu Stone".

Now, the stone I bought at TGM was £6.75 per kg, and AE is selling their "equivalent" at £2.99.

Has anyone tried both? Are they the same?
Yup, afraid so, you'd be hard pushed to ever tell them apart. You paid for picking the nicest ones I imagine.
Only issue with buying online is that you aren't able to pic out individual pieces, and match them up. You don't get to fondle it first! :lol: Of course, if you're good at describing what you want it's less of an issue 🙂
SteveUK said:
Only issue with buying online is that you aren't able to pic out individual pieces, and match them up. You don't get to fondle it first! :lol: Of course, if you're good at describing what you want it's less of an issue 🙂

I know exactly what I want, with regards to the stones, as I use measurements on the tank. 🙂

The stones I got are really pretty, and they complement each other greatly, however I am sure that I can close to the same design from the online shops such as plantedbox and AE.

Twice the price is a hard one to swallow.. 🙂 will just put it to my experience.

The good thing is that now my tank is free from fake rocks, and looks just amazing. 😀
ghostsword said:
The good thing is that now my tank is free from fake rocks, and looks just amazing. 😀
Guess you finally agree then that fake rocks are not good in the tank 😛 Not what you told me a few weeks back when I pointed that out to you haha
LondonDragon said:
ghostsword said:
The good thing is that now my tank is free from fake rocks, and looks just amazing. 😀
Guess you finally agree then that fake rocks are not good in the tank 😛 Not what you told me a few weeks back when I pointed that out to you haha

No comment. :arrow: :shh:
just my 2 cent on this. the 2 stones looks identical, but they coming from different sources. i found that ADA deliver some larger nicer stones too meanwhile minis are mainly minis really where useually weights are 1-3kg. more on the lowest part.

there are other stones where the difference are more significant. the dragon stone. the one which comes from Japan are huge with amazing texture and color on it. the other from europe has different kind of colors those textures are not that fine. they could not match up really.

but with minis and seiryu i do not find the same differences. only the size i've seen. probably that's true they handpick the nicest.
Its definitely worth a premium to be able to pick your own stones, not saying what that premium is worth but it is worth something!
I don't mind paying to pick the rocks, but if you're paying to pick them and get good ones then why is the price the same on the internet? Over double the price is certainly not worth it to have a few extra good rocks.
Thanks for all the posts.. I now know the difference, and frankly rather buy at half the price, especially as most online shops allow you to request what you want.

Also MA at Morden is also selling it at £3, and that shop I can visit. 🙂 At least LondonDragon said that he bought his rocks from there. Pitty that he helped me choose mine and didn't tell me that they were half price at MA...

Now I am informed and are able to make a choice.. Need to buy another 5 to 10 kg and for sure will want to buy it cheaper. 🙂
ghostsword said:
Now looking on the net I found Mini Landscape Rock from AE, quoted "Grey stone also known by ADA as Seiryu Stone".
Has anyone tried both? Are they the same?

Didn`t we have this conversation at TGM. I`m sure I told someone mini landscape rocks and Seiryu were the same.

Dave Spencer said:
Didn`t we have this conversation at TGM. I`m sure I told someone mini landscape rocks and Seiryu were the same.
Yeah more than once, people were just too excited to listen lol
Dave Spencer said:
ghostsword said:
Now looking on the net I found Mini Landscape Rock from AE, quoted "Grey stone also known by ADA as Seiryu Stone".
Has anyone tried both? Are they the same?

Didn`t we have this conversation at TGM. I`m sure I told someone mini landscape rocks and Seiryu were the same.


No Dave, sorry, it wasn't with me...
I wish it was me you had told that to... 🙂
LondonDragon said:
Yeah more than once, people were just too excited to listen lol

Paulo, please don't say that because it isn't true, and it hurts my feelings when you make a comment like that.. Had you told me that the rocks were under half price than what was on show believe me I would have taken note on it.

I saw the rocks, liked them and bought it, and on my ignorance thought that it was a fair price to pay.

Obviously one pays for the privilege to choose their own rocks, TGM prices their kit as they want and whoever buys it at that price is free to do so.

The thread question was that if Mini Landscape Rock was the same as ADA Seiryu Stone, and that has been confirmed as being the same.

Would I pay again the same for the ADA Stones? No way I will, rather contact one of the online shops with my requirements or go to MA @ Morden and check it out. I will even go to B&Q to check stones out now, one never knows that is there. 😀

Should Paulo have told me that he had bought his rocks and under the price I was paying for them? For sure he should have said something, he even helped me choose the stones ... 🙂

Great shop, great staff, great tanks and definitely worth the visit again, but in future before I buy something at TGM I will check online for prices, surprises like these are hard to swallow.. 🙂
ghostsword said:
Paulo, please don't say that because it isn't true, and it hurts my feelings when you make a comment like that.. Had you told me that the rocks were under half price than what was on show believe me I would have taken note on it.
Luis we were talking there about the rocks being the same as mini landscape rock, I did say I purchased mine at MA, not sure if you were there or not but I think you were, Neil was there with us also. I just never said how much I paid for it cause no one asked 😛
sorry Luis.didn't even cross my mind.but in my defence i am braindead :lol: .

i think we should just leave it at that now 😉 .