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My thoughts exactly, Fred. The SW tank looks nice in its own right, but next to the planted tanks it comes a poor second for me.

Needle leaf Java fern certainly seeems to rule.

BTW, the light readings are much lower than you might think and lots of water changes prior to the showroom being open.
Most are fairly easy scapes to maintain, however, the shear volume is the issue here.

You want lower light(all are suspended, which allows you to rise and lower according the growth rates you want for each tank). Many tanks also have sand foregrounds, much like this one of mind which requires very little work:


I also have 5X or more fish biomass in my aquariums.

Tom Barr
Hi all!
I'm the author of the video 😀

Some photos of the Gallery






gianlucan1 thanks for sharing the pics. Amazing how famous you are 😀
Just in one week nearly all major blog and forum picked up your videos and pics. But you deserve it.
Great shots and the video is really awesome. I am a little jellous you seen all of this in person there 😉

:thumbup: from Hungary
Hi gianlucan1,

Welcome to UKAPS and thanks for sharing these images with us all!

Can you let us know how you found the whole Nature Aquarium Gallery experience from a personal perspective?

Was it as good as you expected?

Were there any staff on-hand to chat with? Did any speak English?

You've made me want to visit this place even more! One day...

Thanks, again.
LondonDragon said:
What I noticed from the video is that there is hardly any flow in these tanks!! 😵 😵
I noticed that also :?:
No power-heads in these tanks. :clap:
Love them all.So good i watched it twice :thumbup:
hogan53 said:
LondonDragon said:
What I noticed from the video is that there is hardly any flow in these tanks!! 😵 😵
I noticed that also :?:
No powerheads in these tanks. :clap:
Love them all.
They're maintained every day I believe. Large daily water changes negate the need for uber-circulation etc.
viktorlantos said:
or what i've seen in many of their newest mag is they use 2 diffusers. a co2 one and an air one. connected to the same timer. when co2 goes down air turn on.

I have been looking for a timer like that, but have not managed to find one in the UK yet, would you know the name for it, or where to find one in Europe? Or is just ADA that is selling them?

It is a fantastic idea, and there would be many uses for something like that.
Well, i have to say maintain this much of tank is really not a dream. 😀

Imagine the water changes, maintain plant growth, cleaning tubes and glasses weekly, maintain filters, trimming etc, daily ferts, feeding....

I just trimmed our 240P HC iwagumi tank today and just this simple task taken 4 hours.
With trimming, net the leaf and 2 water changes. :angel: just to keep in top shape.

Amazing what the ADA team does every week to keep their tanks and equipments in top shape. Maybe this not sound that hard, but this is an amazing effort, even if they have a group of people who dedicated to this.
There using Eheim 2211 on the Mini M. (1:50 mark)
Funny and they tried to sell a Filter that's almost 800euros.

At the 2:26 mark. I thought Amano suggest to put the diffuser on the opposite side of the tank.

Great video. One day I will take the family on a trip there. One day...
ghostsword said:
viktorlantos said:
or what i've seen in many of their newest mag is they use 2 diffusers. a co2 one and an air one. connected to the same timer. when co2 goes down air turn on.

I have been looking for a timer like that, but have not managed to find one in the UK yet, would you know the name for it, or where to find one in Europe? Or is just ADA that is selling them?

It is a fantastic idea, and there would be many uses for something like that.

The basic giessmann (central heating) timers can be wired like that. Let me know if you can't find them.
