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ADA filters for sale


26 Aug 2012

Hello all, sorry if i have put this in the wrong section or it is not the sort of thing you want on your forum at all, i quite understand if the mods move or delete.

Anyway, i am just bring to your attention the Ebay listing i am just about to put up, bit of a story with it.
In 2005 i ordered a ADA ES-600 filter from the Aquarium Design group in the USA as there were no uk (or European) importers of ADA items. I am an engineer by trade and thought that the frankly crazy money it cost me was worth it due to the incredible design and quality of the filter.

Anyway having waited months for it to turn up i was dismayed to find it had not been wrapped at all well and was damaged on arrival, this amounted to a few dents on the side some scrapes on the pump and the pump braking free of the mount. I suspect you can see where this is going...

I got in touch with ADG and they dully sent me out another, much better wrapped filter, so I now had two ES-600’s. In the end I have repaired the formally damaged one – and not used it. I have also not used the perfect one (a long and too often repeated story of moving house and changing priorities!)

So i am now (after many years of having ££££s worth of pumps sat in my loft) looking to sell them (in the end i went to a nano tank and made almost everything myself – including the filter!)

Not sure what they are worth, and i would be looking to sell them as a pair? They are now available over here for £660 i see, but mine are just the filters themselves, no media (unless i can find it in the loft or somewhere) or pipes/fittings, although Ehim fit fine.

So what do you think, anyone going to give me an idea of a starting price???
Thanks all, i often lurk on this site on my lunch hour and really enjoy it

they look like something that has come off my car engine, :jawdrop
Sell them separately. 99p start. They will go for what they are worth. Putting both together you will more than likely lose money as they will go way out of most peoples budget.