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ADA Bacter

I assume it is some form of filter seeding. Never used or needed.

Just get some mud, dirty substrate, muck from someone else's filter, a filter sponge from a mature tank. Much better.

Or just be patient and let the natural bacteria build up.
I once posted a filter sponge to my mate who was setting up a new tank. He just put it in his new tank filter and within a week nitrates were zero. Also seeded with fish food as well which is a good source of nutrients.
The tank I'm setting up is replacing my old one so I'm going to take the filter media from the old filter to put in the sump may run the old filter with the sump as well when I transfer the fish across after a week or so.
I'm considering reusing the eco complete as a base layer and covering it with either Tropic Aquarium Soil or Cal Aqua Labs - Black Earth Premium.
Some water lettuce is handy as well if you can get hold of some from somebody's established tank. Some small amount of beneficial bacteria will come in on the roots and in the water they travelled in and with being close to the light and unlimited co2 they help to shorten the ammonia part of the cycle.