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ADA Amazonia (new) added....v.muddy waters


12 Feb 2013
OK I added 18l of Ada Amazonia (new) to my 190l tank yesterday and am a bit surprised how muddy the water is....still 12hrs later.

I am still cycling the tank, so I'm not in a rush but should I change the water? Worry about buildup in the filter? Or just kick back and let it settle?
Hi, that's unusual, every time I've used it the water has been crystal clear unless accidentally disturbed. I'd change all the water and refill slowly, no point in clogging the filters unnecessarily or leaving a silt layer of fine dust 🙂
Cheers, did a water change and it was proper black. Anyways it is a little better and I also spoke to the guy at Green Machine (who I bought the soil from) and he said it'll be fine just needs a good settle. But he was also very helpful with general advice....top service!

Also this is e first time I have used a pump and tubing for a water change, rather than siphon and bucket.....OMG why did I work that out earlier!!!!