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ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (month 5)

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Thank you. He must be blushing with all the compliments.

Only time will tell but I trust the guy at the shop. He's always very helpful and never tries to sell. Just advise.

He seems pretty knowledgeable too. He's won a lot of awards for his fish.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Hi all,
Hypancistrus Inspector
He is more likely to be L201<http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=2178>, or possibly H. contradens <http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=677>, than H. inspector. These don't grow as big as H. inspector, but they are all definitely not algae eaters. I feed mine on earthworms, prawns, earthworm flake, vegetables and Astax red crumb, but any reasonable mixed diet will do.

These are quite demanding fish and need high oxygen levels and warm water, it also needs a cave to hide in during the day, or it will become very stressed. I've got another Hypancistrus, H. debliterra, formerly L129, and a single L333 (all the spotty and stripy species are difficult to ID when they are small), and I virtually never see any of them.

cheers Darrel
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Thanks for the into Darrel. That makes sense. I had made a cave last week. He hasn't died it out yet but he has been hiding in the darkest spot behind the big stones.
The guy at the LFS gave me some algae wafer/spirulina for hi and the shrimp and said half a wafer every three days and to add a bit of veg every couple of days too.

Should it be raw veg? What kind of veg is best? I can't imagine a roast would go down too well!

edit - Just re-read those links. My guess would be L201 if I can compare him to the photos.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Hi all,
For veg. I feed cucumber, courgette, red pepper, sweet potato, green beans, peas, melon skin or butter-nut squash. I just use what ever is in the kitchen, I don't think that it probably matters too much which veg it is. I blanch the beans and peas (usually they are the cooked ones the kids have failed to eat), everything else is raw, but you need a stainless steel fork etc to sink it to the bottom. The shrimps and Otocinclus should have a go at it, even if the Hypancistrus doesn't at first. Shrimps really like cooked carrot, but I can't remember if the Loricariids did.

Have a look on "Plecoplanet" or "Planetcatfish" for a more complete list.
This is from Plecoplanet <http://www.plecoplanet.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=45>

cheers Darrel
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

A very nice Plec you have there :thumbup:

Hypancistrus Inspector are quite rare in the trade according to my book and that agree's with Darrel that it is more likely to be L201 which are a bit more common. My plec's are fairly slow growing so I think you will be ok for a while.

My L134's, L270 and L128 all like the veg mentioned above but they also like some ripe pear and a split open grape or two. I tend to sink my veg on a plant weight.

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

A massive thanks to everybody for their advice and opinions so far. It's so encouraging and helpful!

I made my decision on shoaling fish. I picked up 10 CPDs today and in a week or two I'm going to get a small shoal of zebra danios. The CPDs are great looking fish and are happily zipping around avoiding my lens but here are a couple of shots.



Question. Hikori micro pellets were recommended to feed them but I have no idea how much. Do I go for the feed until they stop eating approach, or will they just keep on eating?
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Marvin the plec is mesmerising! I just sat in the near dark watching him explore his new home. He's been quite investigative and has eaten a bit of wafer. I think that must be a good sign.
He stands out quite well in the dark. His spots give him away.

I think I may be becoming a bit obsessive. I can't seem to walk by without stopping to watch whats going on. The shrimp are fascinating to watch as well.

But I must get ready for work. Things to do!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

a pinch of hikari a couple times a day will be fine, danios will eat until they pop.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

once you get a plec other fish just get boring fast 🙂 i can spend hours watching mine.

just remember your little snowball is primarily a meat eater 🙂 so feed frozen meat tablets or something like the high protein new era catfish pellets. while he will eat veg etc (and must do for a balanced diet) its mostly protein based foods needed
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

pariahrob said:
Question. Hikori micro pellets were recommended to feed them but I have no idea how much. Do I go for the feed until they stop eating approach, or will they just keep on eating?

Excellent choice - I have them in my main thank, and they're brilliant. I spend a lot of time with my nose pressed up against the glass watching them. They were skinny little babies when I got them, but now they're bigger they've all got nicely rounded and have coloured up beautifully. For what it's worth, I have a culture of microworms on the go (nice and easy!), and my CPDs get these 2 - 3 times a week. The worms (nematodes) are only tiny, but the fish love them. 😀
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Ok, please post any suggestions of fish you think would be suited to this tank. I have some ideas already but this is a learning process for me so I would love to hear what you think and why.

This will help me learn about breeds and compatability etc.

If you can post links or photos I'd be grateful too 😉
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Hi all,
in a week or two I'm going to get a small shoal of zebra danios.
Don't get Zebra Danios, they are really a sub-tropical fish and don't do well long term at high temperatures, although they are incredibly tolerant of sub-optimal conditions. I think CPD are much the same. Hypancistrus spp. are best at 26oC - 30oC.

Both CPD's and Zebra Danios do best in harder water than Hypancistrus as well, although I don't think water hardness is vitally important compared to water quality, and particularly oxygenation.

I wrote an oxygenation primer specifically for plec keepers - "Aeration and dissolved oxygen in the aquarium", it has had a few homes, but it is at: <http://plecoplanet.com/?page_id=829> at present, and despite its title is really mainly about biological filtration.

I like micro-worms for small fish as well as fry, they are a favourite food item for Threadfin rainbows and Dwarf Corydoras as well, and incredibly low maintenance and cheap to culture.

cheers Darrel
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Yeah, Zebras are a no no. i've had a conversation about that this morning and the fact that somebody at a garden centre had said they would be fine. They might survive but they wouldn't be comfortable.

The chap I do trust had suggested borneo tiggers. With two 'G's not one. Google isn't helping but he was very specific in the spelling and said the tiggers are rare but easy to keep and attractive.

Anybody got any ideas?
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

hinch said:
once you get a plec other fish just get boring fast 🙂 i can spend hours watching mine.

:lol: This is so true Hinch.

Just you wait a few weeks of "Marvin" and you will want a big tank full of plecs. Did your wife/significant other name the fish as mine does this for the pleco's? 🙄
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

So far he is only really out at night. Lights on means he is hiding but I've got some peas prepped and enjoy watching him cruise around at night. I'll get the tripod set up later and see if I can get some low light photos. He is a handsome chap!

Actually I named him. He has melancholic eyes, so I named him after Marvin from Hitch hikers guide. She can name all ten CPDs! As long as she can recognise them.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

awtong said:
Just you wait a few weeks of "Marvin" and you will want a big tank full of plecs. Did your wife/significant other name the fish as mine does this for the pleco's? 🙄

mines named every single one of mine even the fresh wigglers which are barely a day out of the egg!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

I think it might be the same here. She's taking more and more of an interest, which is good in my book.

What about neon rainbow fish?
Small, attractive and top to middle, so not too much clashing with the CPDs (who seem to love it everywhere).
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (new week 2 photos)

Yet more questions!

I noticed there is a bit of algae building up on my diffuser. What's best to clean this up? Supurge? Or something else?

Same applies to my lily pipes when they need it. It also just occurred to me that I don't knw how I'm going to prime my filter once I replace the lily pipes! Any ideas? It's a rena xp2 and has a good system for closing off the pipes easily. If I fill the inlet hose then put the glass inlet on and open the tap again will that be enough to start the syphoning process or will the (inlet sized) bubble be a problem?
