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ADA 60-P planted tank 'Prairie' (month 5)

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Black neons would be a good choice. Small but vibrant.

CRS is high on my list if I go down the red and white road but I want to be sure the tank is spot on and stable. I hear they are less than hardy! Cherries might be a safer option but not as pleasing on the eye.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

I would say it is probably too small for any plecs really. Pitbull's are probably one of the smallest and they get to about 6cm. Probably wouldn't settle and cause problems with that cracking scape you are working on :thumbup: .

I have 7 plecs (I am a bit obsessed) but then I have 450l to play with. Just added some pics to my journal!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

I'll keep that in mind. A 450L would be awesome. I'm already thinking about how I can redesign the house to get something bigger in for the next tank.

I think the dining room might have to go. We almost always eat in the living room anyway!

Like what I'm doing so far then? I'm feeling pretty positive about it. I have some more plants coming tomorrow and my lfs gets their delivery on a friday afternoon. I'll be heading over to see what they have.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Black phantom tetras or red phantom tetras would look nice mid water flaring at one another.
Bloodfins are another subtle choice, as too would be checker barbs or pentazona barbs.
Tetras are more likely to show off though, the barbs may be a little shy for a while.
Espei rasbora would shoal nicely too..... the list is endless!
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

awtong said:
I would say it is probably too small for any plecs really. Pitbull's are probably one of the smallest and they get to about 6cm. Probably wouldn't settle and cause problems with that cracking scape you are working on :thumbup:

For what it's worth, I have a couple of pitbull plecs in my 2ft tank (so about 70 litres?) and I think they're brilliant! They're fantastic at clearing algae, esp off my wood - it's sparkling clean! My only worry is making sure they have enough food - they don't seem interested in courgette, cucumber, peas or any of the algae wafers I've tried so far. They still look plump and happy, but I think I'll probably start growing some algae on cobbles elsewhere to swap into the tank. for them. But honestly, they're great fish, and only took them a couple of days to settle down.

Gorgeous tank btw - you must be pleased! :clap:
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Thanks Sarah,
It's good to hear a different perspective. My tank is 2ft as well. Maybe my maths is out and it will be ok for plecs then?
It's been a while since I worked out volume. 60 x 30 x 36 cm = (I don't have the brains for it).

Cheers! I am so pleased so far. A few planting gaps to fill in but otherwise over the moon with it. It's still early days but I'm loving what I have so far.

Here's a photo I just took. No tank lights on here, just a little sunrise lamp I thought I'd try out. Excuse the reflections. I think I might swap out the tropical pro lamp in my luminaire for another plant pro. I'm not keen on the pink tint. Comparing this shot, lit by a plain old tungsten to some of the others really shows it up. I could photoshop it to remove the red hues but it's the same in the flesh.

Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

pariahrob said:
Thanks Sarah,
It's good to hear a different perspective. My tank is 2ft as well. Maybe my maths is out and it will be ok for plecs then?
It's been a while since I worked out volume. 60 x 30 x 36 cm = (I don't have the brains for it).

I have never been able to work out tank volumes 😳 - I always use online calculators! :lol: My tank's a bit taller than yours. I think. Anyhow, these pitbull plecs are small - max 5-6cm. From their latin name, Paraotocinclus jumbo, I'd guess they're related to Otocinclus. My impression is that they're a lot more efficient at algae removal than Otos, but my experience is limited! For what it's worth, I got mine mail order from Kesgrove Tropicals. I'd recommend them.

I do love the sweep you've managed to get in your tank. It's suggestive of a much larger landscape. (And I agree with you - pinky lights aren't so nice.)
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

64.8 litres. Obviously too early for me. I didn't even think of online calculators. What kind of a geek am I?

I'll check them out. My local has some, so I'll go and have a look later. I have to stay in for now though. My plants are on the way and don't want to miss them.

Thank you. Once it's a bit more developed I'll take a video. Photos never quite do tanks justice I don't think. It's funny, I was originally going to do something very strict and iwagumi style but that is quite restricting in some ways and I'm not sure it's fair on the fish, so I'm trying to find a balance. I'm glad you see the landscape aspect. Means I'm doing something right.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Hi all,
64.8 litres. Obviously too early for me. I didn't even think of online calculators. What kind of a geek am I?
Go on folks, it is ever so easy to work out volumes for rectangular tanks, just do it in meters, and remember that 1000 litres = 1m3.

Then you get: 0.6 x 0.36 x 0.3 = 0.0648. 0.648 x 1000 = 64.8 (litres), take off 5 litres because it isn't brimful, and 10 litres for substrate and hardscape = 65 - 15 = 50 litres effective volume.

I like Parotocinclus jumbo as well, but it needs relatively cool water, and has a high oxygen demand. <http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/species.php?species_id=236>.

cheers Darrel
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

sarahtermite said:
awtong said:
I would say it is probably too small for any plecs really. Pitbull's are probably one of the smallest and they get to about 6cm. Probably wouldn't settle and cause problems with that cracking scape you are working on :thumbup:

For what it's worth, I have a couple of pitbull plecs in my 2ft tank (so about 70 litres?) and I think they're brilliant! They're fantastic at clearing algae, esp off my wood - it's sparkling clean! My only worry is making sure they have enough food - they don't seem interested in courgette, cucumber, peas or any of the algae wafers I've tried so far. They still look plump and happy, but I think I'll probably start growing some algae on cobbles elsewhere to swap into the tank. for them. But honestly, they're great fish, and only took them a couple of days to settle down.

Gorgeous tank btw - you must be pleased! :clap:

I think pitbulls would be the only ones to consider for a tank of this sort of size.

Out of interest Sarah have you softened the veg in boiling water for a few mins? My plecs go crazy as soon as the veg goes in. As an alternative mine also really enjoy soft ripe fruit like pear and melon. maybe the pitbull's have a sweet tooth :lol:
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Out of interest Sarah have you softened the veg in boiling water for a few mins? My plecs go crazy as soon as the veg goes in. As an alternative mine also really enjoy soft ripe fruit like pear and melon. maybe the pitbull's have a sweet tooth :lol:

I've always blanched the veg - all the fish (bar the bulldog plecs!) like the peas, and the shrimp practically pounce on the courgette or cucumber. But the plecs remain aloof. Interesting to hear that yours like fruit - I'll definitely try that.

(Apologies Rob, for hijacking your thread.)
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Quite a big update today. I finally got my plants from TGM. A day late but really that isn't a big problem (I had paid priority mail costs). They were very apologetic and that's what matters.

Anyway, I ordered some more cuba, to help fill out the carpet a bit quicker. I also ordered some Alternanthera reineckii on a whim. I wanted something with a bit of colour and this looked good. I'm not completely sold on the positioning of the one to the front left of the tank, so that may be moved.

I planted the cuba in smaller pieces than last time. I noticed it's quite a different shade of green to the other cuba too. A bit more of a pale mint green rather than yellow green. I guess this is down to how they were cared for in the shop. Both lots look healthy.

I also decided to get rid of the tropical pro lamp and replaced it with another plant pro. I hope you can tell but the difference amazed me. The quick photos below almost look like there is no water in the tank. The clarity has shot right up and I'm very happy indeed.

Ok, so on to some photos.


RIght hand side close up. I like watching bubbles.

This tiny section looks like a little iwagumi all on it's own:

Here's the newbie:

And finally an in situ shot. Excuse the mess and lighting in the room. I do plan on taking some decent photos once I have the backdrop sorted.
Re: ADA 60-P planted tank (week 1 photos)

Starting to look really nice Rob. I reckon pitbulls would be a great addition 🙂