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Absolutely Stumped


22 Sep 2015
Adelaide, Australia
I'm stumped, absolutely stumped!

I have an empty Mr Aqua 12g Long tank sitting here empty and needing to be scaped to put on display in the lounge room.

The plan, is to have a nicely planted display tank mainly focusing on plants, not so much fish or shrimp.

I'm lost for ideas when it comes to how to scape this tank, really wanting to go low tech as it is impossible for me to obtain CO2 refills locally, so no CO2 means not too much of a range when it comes to plants.

I have thought about an Micranthemum sp. Monte Carlo Iwagumi, but am worried that the Monte Carlo would have to be trimmed quite often.

I have thought about a Dutch display, but that would need CO2 for sure though.

Have thought about perhaps just having driftwood with Anubias and Ferns attached to it, but not sure.

Really have no idea of what to do, where to start, don't want to start buying a new LED or substrate as I might change my mind in the process.
"Serenity Peak" journals an Iwagumi style tank done with liquid carbon & no CO2

I believe TallDragon's Two Rocks Balanced is also running without CO2

There are few journals here for non-CO2 tanks

FWIW I have a 30cm cube tank running with no CO2 or liquid carbon:
carpet is M 'Monte Carlo' & M crenata,
R macrandra has formed a nice thicket though it's more green than red,
Pogostemon erectus,
H 'Siamensis 53B'
- note all plants were 1-2-Grow
Tank was only filled with about 10 - 12cm water height while plants established, & tank was at ambient temp ~19* - 20*C
At one point the water was very green & even had a lovely green scum (no filter or livestock at this stage)

Substrate: Tropica Growth Substrate & Aquarium Soil Powder
I think it's had ~ 4 water changes since May ... I'm not recommending this method, but it is working 😉

~ 3-4 weeks after planting, tank was tidied up & filled & heater & a Sicce Micron filter added
Livestock is 15 - 20 shrimp & 4 dwarf Corydoras (all that remain from a much larger initial purchase 🙁) & recently 4 juvenile otocinclus (the glass that was covered in a soft green algae is not clean)
so no CO2 means not too much of a range when it comes to plants.
This is not necessarily true and I wouldn't be put off trying a particular plant in your aquarium. If you use a modified form of EI (or modify dosage from an all purpose fertilser) you may find that a plant classed as a high CO2 demand will grow and will be healthy. Without CO2 plant growth rate will be much slower but they should still grow.
I have a good idea, sell the Mr Aqua to me 😉

While I genuinely would buy it lol, I figure you want real suggestions; so mine is to get a co2 set up that works with soda stream cylinders; means you can get replacements at tesco etc 🙂

Monte Carlo is also a great idea
I live in Australia mate, so have no idea what a Tesco is, haha, no CO2 refill solutions near by either.
What is this 'Soda Stream' you speak of? We don't even have colour TV, FM radio, or wheels on our horses.

Yeah mate, we have soda stream, what kid didn't grow up with a soda stream, haha.
What is this 'Soda Stream' you speak of? We don't even have colour TV, FM radio, or wheels on our horses.

Yeah mate, we have soda stream, what kid didn't grow up with a soda stream, haha.

you can use the refills for it, as co2 on your planted tank 😉 just get a sodastream adapter and you're good to go. Easy refills from your local shop
you can use the refills for it, as co2 on your planted tank 😉 just get a sodastream adapter and you're good to go. Easy refills from your local shop
No blahblahblahblah? Did not know that! Thanks for that hey, gonna suss this out now! Cheers.
you can use the refills for it, as co2 on your planted tank 😉 just get a sodastream adapter and you're good to go. Easy refills from your local shop
Have a rough link to suss out? Cheers.