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About time - New Pics

Another update, I've had a few issues with the HC because of a delay in getting a regulator that worked properly and I have increased the lighting. It seems to be recovering but pretty slowly.

I am thinking about adding a red plant on the back right behind the blyxa (which is growing extremely quickly) to give more colour. What do you guys think? I just think its missing something. Answers on a postcard 🙂🙂



Thanks for looking comments welcome.
Not sure about tetra in a 30 litre. I think that is too small for these fish. I would only consider some of the micro rasbora species and shrimp in this set-up.

Looks great other than that though :angelic:
Not sure about tetra in a 30 litre. I think that is too small for these fish. I would only consider some of the micro rasbora species and shrimp in this set-up.

Thanks for your comment, you have made me feel a touch guilty now. I do have a larger tank if needs be but they seem pretty happy in there to be honest. they are feeding well. I may look into the microrasbora route because they are tiny little fellas.
Theres very few fish suitable for an aquarium less than 60cm in length. Lfs staff often dont know enough about the fish their selling. Always research fish before buying to find out minimum tank size and school numbers.
Heres quite a good place with info on lots of species
Think Fish | Tropical fish care information
Theres very few fish suitable for an aquarium less than 60cm in length. Lfs staff often dont know enough about the fish their selling. Always research fish before buying to find out minimum tank size and school numbers.
Heres quite a good place with info on lots of species
Think Fish | Tropical fish care information
I have done my research (lots of it) and there are plenty of places that say as long as water conditions are kept stable with regular water changes then it is fine to keep them in a tank smaller than 60cm.
Lots of places use 6xlength of fish rule too, which is ok if fish are not active.
Ive had neons in a 35l and they spent most of their time at the bottom, when they were moved to the 300l tank they became much more active and spent much more time at the top of the tank where they should be. They will survive quite well in a 35l, have good colour and even feed well but they do so much better with more open swimming space.
Lots of places use 6xlength of fish rule too, which is ok if fish are not active.
Ive had neons in a 35l and they spent most of their time at the bottom, when they were moved to the 300l tank they became much more active and spent much more time at the top of the tank where they should be. They will survive quite well in a 35l, have good colour and even feed well but they do so much better with more open swimming space.
Ok now you have mentioned the behaviour I have noticed they tend to stay at the bottom but I put this down to the high light and them not being used to it yet. I will probably transfer them to my bigger tank and see how they get on there. Thanks for the advice.
It's often uncomfortable to think this...but surviving is not the same as thriving. I think you're doing the right thing in upgrading them to a larger tank. :thumbup:
Killi fish are fine in smaller tanks but are terrible for jumping so you would need a lid. I have a shoal of lampeyes in my 30cm cube and their behaviour is no different from when they were in the 60cm tank. They need a lot more plants that reach the top of the tank though and are really enjoying the red rooted floater. Member killi69(i think that's right) knows everything killi so ask them, some of them are extremely striking fish.
Saying that, shrimp are a lot of fun to watch and don't hide from you. I'm getting addicted to shrimp and even considering trying Taiwan bees.
Right here goes.... I haven't updated for a while.

A few pics taken off my phone so the quality isn't great. I have put the fish back in temporarily as I have stripped out my bigger tank for the purposes of these photos. Normally this is a shrimp only tank as its only 25 litres or so full. Let me know what you guys think.

P.s. still don't know how to make the pics smaller...



Any updates? In the last photos the tank was looking really good.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...
Unfortunately I have managed to break my filter so I have broken it down until I move house in a few weeks. I'm then going to convince the mrs to let me upgrade to a bigger all guns blazing setup! Wishful thinking me thinks. 🙂