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About time - New Pics


25 Sep 2009
Right guys here goes. I have been thinking about this for a while and have been scouting around for inspiration. I have finally decided on a design and would like your thoughts as to rock placement etc.

The specs:
30 litre nano
Colombo flora base black (the fine stuff)
Filtration: Eheim Ecco pro 130
11w lamp but will increase this after the first couple of weeks.
Liquid ferts and easy carbo (deliberate choice I want slower growth so no pressurised CO2 addition).
Hardscape: seiryu stone and bogwood.

Pogostemon erectus
Eleocharis sp mini
Weeping moss
Spiky moss
Java moss

Any thoughts on plant species and whether my specs will be sufficient to help them thrive would be welcome. I am not set on this hard scape so comments and critique is appreciated, good or bad 🙂

Pictures to follow.......

Apologies for the pic quality it's taken on my iPad.
Hi, I'm far from an expert on rock placement so tell me to bugger off if you want but if you are intending on a "valley" I would be inclined to have a larger rock at the back left side
Thanks for your comment. I deliberately kept that back left corner a bit lower because that is where I'm putting my stems so that will give extra height. Most of the rocks will be covered by moss too so they will be a lot less "in your face" 😉
More comments welcomed.
Agree with comments above re the valley... But you could always use some plants to build height. IMO you do not need the wood as the valley scape with a decent carpeting plant running through it would do the trick. Flame moss could be used and trimmed to creat the illusion of height on the back 2 rocks, have seen it somewhere, check out Super Wen post in the planted tank galleries. Will be watching this one.
NIce tank IMO i would lose the wood and just keep the stone. nice start.🙂
Thanks for the comments guys, I think you are right the wood does look a little out of place. It's not so pronounced up close but still might have to go🙂 it will be covered in moss so won't be as obvious.

I will be getting the plants next week so will update the photos then.
Hi everyone. The plants are due to arrive this week and will be planting thursday so photos will go up then. I decided to get rid of the wood and there is a bit of extra rock to fill the gaps. Its actually quite a different layout.

I found that I kept moving things slightly and then probably moving back to exactly the same place, I was never happy. It's trying to imagine where the plants will fit and now I'm happy with this layout (I think) 😉
I'm never happy with my layouts, forever changing them lol..... I have a 60x45x30 coming soon and it will take about a month just to sort out the layout
Right update time! I have planted the tank but there are a few gaps waiting for the eleocharis mini to come, the guys at aqua essentials weren't happy with the batch they had so are sending them out to me next week. (ps. I love the jelly stuff that the Tropica 1-2 grow plants come in 🙂 )

I will get some pictures up tonight after a quick water change because it was pretty cloudy. All comments and advice would be welcome, both good and bad of course but I'm actually pretty happy with it.
Hi sorry for the lack of photos I have had a really busy weekend with the family etc. As mentioned before I have planted the tank and got all the equipment running except I managed to smash the lily pipes I had so I'm stuck with the green Eheim outlets 🙁 🙁.

There is a massive diffuser in the picture because I'm ordering a new one. Excuse the picture quality I don't have an expensive camera like the other guys I just used my phone. Please post your comments and suggestions/tips.

How do I make the pictures smaller? They are massive I don't want them that big!
New update - I have added some riccia (thanks Dan), the eleocharis sp mini and the HC has melted slightly but is starting to grow side shoots. I'm moving the Pogostemon Erectus to the back left corner and adding some Hemianthus Micranthemoides to the back right.

As yet no problems with algae at all really, I'm thinking of adding another light so that the plants form a proper carpet. Any suggestions here?

Hello all, I have been beavering away making a couple more changes as mentioned above. I think moving the erectus to the back left has given it much more depth, I'm looking forward to the Hemianthus Micranthemoides developing in the right corner.



I am not sure about fish yet, any suggestions? I am thinking something with red or blue in it to contrast against the green plants. Possibly Rasboras but I'm limited as its only 30 litres. Comments welcome guys.
Looking good!

I think a group of Scarlet badis would suit this scape.

Thanks Ian, I've not heard of that species before but just looked them up. They are a very good looking species with bright colours, kind of remind of a small version of Betta. Good suggestion, from what I've just read they are quite rare do you think they will be able to get them in at Maidenhead Aquatics?
I have seen them in an maidenhead in Nottingham. They should be able to order you some in. They are relatively cheap as well.
I will take a trip down there this weekend, I'm not looking to get them yet I think the C02 levels would be too high for livestock. I'm still temped by CRS having seen George's shrimp tank. I think they would stand out brilliantly against the mosses but Iv'e heard the Scarlet Badis are rather partial to shrimp so would have to be one or the other. 🙂
Hi guys a quick question. My plants especially the riccia and HC are yellowing slightly, is this likely to be a lack of CO2 or nutirents? I've not used riccia before and it was a lot greener than that when it first went into the tank.