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About time I posted! Vivarium 2011


8 Mar 2010
Hi folks!
I've been a member here for a while and I've been reading the odd discussion but after taking a trip to Vivarium in Holland and falling in with a rough crowd at the hotel bar, I have to come out of the shadows and introduce myself! :lol:
My name is Rory. I live just outside Dublin and I've been killing... I mean... KEEPING fish for almost 20 years.
My main interest is planted tanks but most of what I saw (especially on the ukaps stand) this weekend would put my past attempts to shame!
This was a great weekend and it was great to meet so many nice people! I'll definately be there next year!
A big hello and thanks to the following people for being so friendly! Hopefully I'll see you again soon!...
Sam (themuleous), Dan (Dan Crawford), Paolo (London dragon), Steve (steve uk), Ed (piece of fish), Matt (a1 matt), Lisa (lisa_perry73), John (john starkey), Mark (saintly).
I think there was somebody else there from the forum but I didn't get to meet him unfortunately.

Anyway now for a few snaps of the weekend. Enjoy...

http://s715.photobucket.com/albums/ww153/roryphelan/Vivarium 2011/

PS- I'm not a photographer obviously!

All the best!
Great pictures Rory, thanks for sharing. Gives a novice like me a real flavour of what the event was probably like 🙂
Was great to meet you Rory, and good to see you posting on here. Nice one for getting so many pics online so quickly :thumbup:
Hey Rory, finally you started posting 😉 glad you kept your word haha was great to meet you and thanks for guiding us to the Italian on Saturday night, hope to see you there in 2012 😉
Thanks for all the kind words folks!
Paolo- No problems!... If it involves food I'll always find it! 🙄
Mark- Cheers mate. Sorry somebody told me your username was saintly :?:
Steve- Defo mate the next time I'm in "The Spa" we'll shake things up in the Priors big style! :lol:

... Cheers everyone else! Looking forward to contributing and learning a bit more! 😉
Hi Ya Rory brown oops sorry its not brown is it :lol: ,i was great to meet such a cool irish fella like ya self with a great sense of humour,some great shots Rory and thanks for taking us to that italian bistro it was great,if your ever over this way let us know pal,

No problems John... to be sure to be sure! 😀 😀 😀
Same to you and your poor, ever enduring wife! :lol:
... Maybe you'll join us for a pint when we go over to Leamington next?!
wolfsberg said:
Mark- Cheers mate. Sorry somebody told me your username was saintly :?:
Sorry mate 😳
Mark used to go under the username Saintly, I forgot he'd changed over to his real name now.
a1Matt said:
wolfsberg said:
Mark- Cheers mate. Sorry somebody told me your username was saintly :?:
Sorry mate 😳
Mark used to go under the username Saintly, I forgot he'd changed over to his real name now.
That's ok Matt... it was late... you were tired! 😀
Very nice pics Rory, lovely to see pictures of our animals and our stand. Thank you
Haha! No problem Toni! It was an excellent weekend... although I'm on beans on toast for the next month after the expense! Good to see you signed up.
Already looking forward to next year.