island lad
I'm having constant battles with hair algae and diatoms in my planted tank. Iis the Roma 125L. Specs are as follows.
Fluval Roma 125L.
Tetratec Ex700 external with 50% media.
Fluval 3+ internal with diy spraybar full length,(good flow).
2x20w T8's on for 8 hours (low lighting).
2x2L diy co2 bottles running at a steady 1bps through internal filter and out of spray bar.
Dosing full ei with 50% weekly water change on rest day.
So what direction (equipment wise) do I need to take to increase the health of my tank. Bigger filter ? No co2 or Fe co2 ? T5's instead of T8's. I'm putting a lot of time and research in with very little results. I'm keeping my goals realistic and just want a balanced tank.
Thanks, Steve
Fluval Roma 125L.
Tetratec Ex700 external with 50% media.
Fluval 3+ internal with diy spraybar full length,(good flow).
2x20w T8's on for 8 hours (low lighting).
2x2L diy co2 bottles running at a steady 1bps through internal filter and out of spray bar.
Dosing full ei with 50% weekly water change on rest day.
So what direction (equipment wise) do I need to take to increase the health of my tank. Bigger filter ? No co2 or Fe co2 ? T5's instead of T8's. I'm putting a lot of time and research in with very little results. I'm keeping my goals realistic and just want a balanced tank.
Thanks, Steve