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A warning to check your canister filter connections


23 Mar 2022
I went to clean my pre filters on my biomaster 850's and one went fine, the other one as soon as i moved it the inlet came loose and came off, water everywhere.
I checked all my filter connections and 2 were only just on. Don't know if its common to work loose but ive never had it.
Guess what i'm doing this morning.
I went to clean my pre filters on my biomaster 850's and one went fine, the other one as soon as i moved it the inlet came loose and came off, water everywhere.
I checked all my filter connections and 2 were only just on. Don't know if its common to work loose but ive never had it.
Guess what i'm doing this morning.
View attachment 195469
Externals always give me the fear, thanks for refreshing that fear
Not a great lover of those screw hose connections, its about time they had pushfit connectors if they can do it for Household Heating and RO units dont see why these are not on a filter that is rather expensive!!!
Not a great lover of those screw hose connections, its about time they had pushfit connectors if they can do it for Household Heating and RO units dont see why these are not on a filter that is rather expensive!!!
Couldn't agree more.
Is there any failsafe against this? This is something I worry about, a hose popping off in the middle of the night or when I’m at work
Is there any failsafe against this? This is something I worry about, a hose popping off in the middle of the night or when I’m at work
Not to my knowledge, But I have bought some jubilee clips (the plastic ones) and tightened them as tight as possible on every hose connection I have just so I can have a decent night sleep.
I dont know if its a common occurence or just a one off but it has never happened to me before, then again I have never had biomster filters before so again I can't say if its a brand wide thing or just a biomaster thing.
I’m not a fan of the fittings either so I cable tied my Biomaster hoses.View attachment 195536

Is that the position you had the blue threaded nuts in when the hose came off? If so, that's the problem. You are supposed to push the hose onto the barb, and them wind the blue threaded nut back up against the hose to lock it in place.

I agree they are not the best deign, but if they're properly installed there is no way they can come off on their own. If in any doubt a jubliee clip is the best way to lock a hose onto a hose barb.

EDIT: Sorry @Aqua sobriquet - just realised you're not the OP - to @john6 did you have the blue threaded fitting wound tight to the hose?
Yeah had them all done properly and when i checked my other filters, 2 tubes was loose, not imminent hose coming off loose but looser than when i put them on. I have since put some plastic jubilee clips on all my connections.
Yeah had them all done properly and when i checked my other filters, 2 tubes was loose, not imminent hose coming off loose but looser than when i put them on. I have since put some plastic jubilee clips on all my connections.
Do you have a link to the clips you used?
Is there any failsafe against this? This is something I worry about, a hose popping off in the middle of the night or when I’m at work
There's this
The Old Drilling a Hole Trick

And your old thread...😉
Is there any failsafe against this? This is something I worry about, a hose popping off in the middle of the night or when I’m at work
There is no fail safe canister because there are many external plumbing (clamps, O ring and connections) that can fail. When any part fail by wear and tear or human error, a canister can turn into a fountain and potentially drain the tank if not discovered early.

For fail safe filters, use internal or HOB filters that have no external plumbing. I will never trust canister in my living room, and my CO2 reactor is internal with no external plumbing to fail.
There is no fail safe canister because there are many external plumbing (clamps, O ring and connections) that can fail. When any part fail by wear and tear or human error, a canister can turn into a fountain and potentially drain the tank if not discovered early.

For fail safe filters, use internal or HOB filters that have no external plumbing. I will never trust canister in my living room, and my CO2 reactor is internal with no external plumbing to fail.
Agreed. The only point of failure in terms of flooding with an HOB is if the outflow is blocked somehow which seems exceedingly unlikely to happen. Back in the day when I was running big tanks with canisters I had a spraybar detaching due to stale suction cups that caused water to flow out on the floor. Fortunately it was caught early. With my current two 40 Gl tanks I use HOBs only.

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Agreed. The only point of failure in terms of flooding with an HOB is if the outflow is blocked somehow which seems exceedingly unlikely to happen. Back in the day when I was running big tanks with canisters I had a spraybar detaching due to a stale suction cup that caused water to flow onto the floor. Fortunately it was caught early. With my current two 40 Gl tanks I use HOBs only.

The Aquaclear style HOBs has a small chance of overflow when the foam block is clogged and popped up . Cartridge style HOBs have no chance of overflow as it has a bypass spillway when the media is clogged. Even air hose can come loose and back siphon. It happened to my sponge filter in my basement tanks so now I hanged the air pump above the tank to eliminate chance of siphoning. I run 3 HOBs in my 125 gal in the living area and won’t trust any filters with external plumbing, meaning no canister, sponge or sump systems. My CO2 reactor is internal with no external plumbing except the CO2 hose which I installed a check valve as it doesn’t look good to hang the CO2 cylinder above the tank..
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