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A new starter


27 May 2017
Tyne and wear
Hi all,

I am currently running a 4' marine tank but the cost/maintainance etc. Is getting too much for me... I plan on shutting it down and moving back to fresh water and hopefully a nice planted tank!
I have had a look through alot of your tank pics for some inspiration and feel excited to give it a go!

Before selling off my marine equipment should i keep any of the following bits?

RO unit
2 x it2040 full spectrum LED light
Deltec Skimmer
2 x rw-8 wave maker


I would keep the RO unit depending on your tap water teh ROunit could come in handy.
Dont know the specs on the lights you mention, But most marine lights tend to be to much in the blue spectrum for plaanted tanks.
The wave makers coud help to improve flow depending on your filtration. A good rule of thumb for a planted tank is using the manufacturer s quoted flowrate is to aim for arround 10 times your tank volume per hour.
Good luck.