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A New Adventure (a jungle mess)


Thank you for your comment! It's gonna have a good trim today.

lovely shots mate, that cherry has mega colour! Do you have sakuras or is it a big mature lady?
All looking super healthy :clap:

Thanks Iain. It was sold as a cherry a while back, I think it's just a mature female. She's produced plenty of babies.
Great stuff Ian. It is looking REALLY nice now.

Thanks you Charlie! I'm pleased with the way this has gone tbh, I was quite worried at the beginning with the light being so close to the surface.

its looking the shizzle Ian! Looking forward to seeing it high up in IAPLC too mate (especially as its got sand 😉 )

Im hoping to try some of that big HC soon too

Thank you Mr Worrall, I'm not holding out in the iaplc, if I can better last year ill be chuffed to muck.
Once the HC settles, Ill see you some over.
By the looks of things, I have only grown it in my high tech tank. It's doing ok, there was minor melt when I chucked it in, but doing ok now.
Thank you Tim, very kind words. I'm not sure what to do next, maybe an iwagumi, I did think about a Dutch in this shallow tank...would be interesting!
Not only is the tank Amano esq, you now have a team of hairdryer holders as well, just like the man himself 😉

Ha! I wish you could've seen the full pic now, as you'd have seen the mrs sat playing candy crush with the other hand. She's a good multi tasker!
Ha! I wish you could've seen the full pic now, as you'd have seen the mrs sat playing candy crush with the other hand. She's a good multi tasker!
She would need to be a good multi tasker. Waving a live hairdryer over a fish tank full of water and not paying attention could be nasty ......or was that the plan 😉