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A miracle!?


14 Dec 2021
Hi guys,

Just found 2 fish fries under water of emersed tank. I’m not sure how it get in there. But, I have some theories;
1. The water I’m using in this emersed tank is from another tank with cardinal and lemon tetras, might be their fries? However, I have found no fries in that tank.
2. I used to keep Rachovii killifish 2 years ago, all of them are dead before turning into adult, some pots contain substrate which have been in that tank
What’s you guys thought?

Another question is should I move the fries to quarantine tank? Since, water in emersed tank is really shallow and high in ammonia from osmocote that are in the pot and fertilizer spray. And what should I be feeding them?
I wouldn’t be too surprised if they were from a water transfer. I have 3 baby peacock goby from a similar situation. I actually found mine at about 2-3mm long in my main tank pre-filter and put them in my shrimp tank. Didn’t spot them again until they were 5-6mm and they are now at about an inch.

Never seem any fry in my main tank….too many hungry mouths I think!

I would be inclined to pop them into the quarantine tank if it’s up and running, just to give them the best chance.

There are a few powder based fry foods available. Infusoria, green water, vinegar eels or baby brine shrimp if you want to culture, or if you use Repashy, I believe that can also be used in its powder form. All in tiny amounts.
That's amazing. Give nature half a chance...
some update;

Found 27 more fries, some have color and shows that it is cardinal tetra.

They were eventually moved into the aquarium with adult cardinals and discus, likely turn into food. Though, I'm aware that what I'm doing is unethical and sad, I've run out of tanks with the current killifish breeding project, fish stores won't take any of them and I already have 20 adult cardinals 🙁

Speaking of the stockings, I plan to move 10 adult cardinal tetras (about 2 inches) to 60P tank, and I would like to know if its too small for the fish?
I've run out of tanks
Some of us use storage containers as temporary tanks when the need arises.

Speaking of the stockings, I plan to move 10 adult cardinal tetras (about 2 inches) to 60P tank, and I would like to know if its too small for the fish?
They'll be perfectly happy