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A few scape's in one place (scape #3 page 3)

Quick pic after Saturday morning waterchange
Seems the shrimp are reluctant for me to rescape this tank, too many little ones to count (or catch :lol:) and still more berried females to go, aiming for a rescape around end of August, have a small tank setup ready to transfer the shrimp into, cheers for looking 🙂

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Morning folks, this is still a pita, :lol: lack of time, co2 fluctuations etc etc leave me with a few algae issues to sort out before rescape, the shrimp holding tank has been going for a couple of months now, slowly being populated with shrimp caught by the skimmer :lol: quick pic of the shrimp tank,
Cheers for looking 🙂

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Afternoon folks, have been getting this one back on track, waterchange every couple of days removing as much algae as possible, swapped the skimmer out for an eheim universal 1048, running the co2 through this pump has allowed a lower rate of injection with better distribution, have carried out a final trim this morning, 2-3 weeks and this scape should be done.
Cheers for looking 🙂

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Evening folks, this was rescaped over the last couple of days, Mrs Tim wanted the tank moved to make way for the Christmas tree 🙂, hoping to make more use of the height of the tank with this scape and back to my comfort zone of minimal hardscape and lots of plants.
I phone pic for now 🙂

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Evening folks, this was rescaped over the last couple of days, Mrs Tim wanted the tank moved to make way for the Christmas tree 🙂, hoping to make more use of the height of the tank with this scape and back to my comfort zone of minimal hardscape and lots of plants.
I phone pic for now 🙂

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Bah humbug...
Two weeks in usual wood fungus appearing, c9fa6c0b547b3c466a92ec7db0e289a2.jpg
Scrubbed and removed with each water change, limnophillia reached the surface so the longer stems have been cut back and replanted
Same with the polygonum which broke the surface and is starting to take on its submersed red leaves
Plan to add some moss to the wood once the fungus has stopped growing and maybe some microsorum mini,
Cheers for looking.

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Overdue update on this scape, changed the light for a chiros a series, bit stronger than I was expecting 🙂 this coupled with a busy couple of weeks and a co2 leak via the bubble counter led to a mass staghorn out break, long story short spot dosing with easycarbo and increased w/c's its back on track, few pics
Mc now staghorn free
Ranunculus invasive as usual :lol:
Hydro Japan now growing flat
Trying to get the best out of the moss, keeping it clean and compact at the moment,
Really like the polygonum, though not sure it fits the scape
Maybe iron deficient rotala ?
Haven't added a clean up crew just yet, may have a mass move around of the plants so won't add critters until I've made my mind up.
Cheers for looking 🙂

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Hi Tim, Love the rescape :clap: polygonum sp. Sao paulo I have it too boy is it a fast grower 😱
Thanks Roy, polygonum sure does grow fast, only the second time I've used it in a scape, first time round it melted away after its first trim, this time round its back at the top of the tank within a week, not as red as I would like but that maybe down to the colour rendition of the lights or lack of iron ?
Few pic's, decided to keep a few x ray tetra in this scape, added today,
They seem to have strange tail fins, at first I thought it was fin nipping but I've called in to the lfs over the last week and it's apparent the whole batch have this 3 lobed tail fin.
Penthorium looking good and growing fast,
Added a few crypts to the tennelus area for colour contrast,
Little colour showing through on the rotala,
Murdannia keisak has taken forever to start to establish, beginning to look good now,
FTS excuse the black tape along the front glass trying to kill off some blue green algae, my theory was sunlight but as we haven't had any in the uk for a month or two, I now think it's possible tank light reflection off the cabinet as the tank doesn't cover the top completely and bga has disappeared from my 90cm now there's no sunlight.
Cheers for looking.

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Morning all, quick warts and all update, had some co2 issues, unnoticed cracked diffuser then a struggle getting co2 dialled back in has led to plenty of algae back, BGA, GSA, diatoms some filamentous diatoms in the moss staghorn, just BBA missing and I think I'd have the complete set :lol:
Needless to say I will be increasing water changes etc
X-ray tetra all settled in
Looking to add some amano's once my lfs has them back in stock
Still doesn't look too bad from a distance 🙂
Cheers for looking

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