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A Few Plants for a New Project


31 Mar 2008
Planet Earth
After meeting up with @Melll and her husband yesterday I took a trip to the Abyss Aquatic Warehouse in Stockport for a look around and to pick up a few plants. One or two potted, a few bunches stems, and a couple of 1-2 Grow pots.

Spent most of yesterday afternoon, splitting and re-potting the 1-2 Grow plants to grow on before they are established enough to go into my main tank.

There are no shrimps or any other live stock in this growing on tank, apart from a tiny L183 Starlight Pleco.

I am tempted to nip out and get some Crystal Red Cherry Shrimp, they would look gorgeous in here amongst the greenery. What do you think?

Lots of Rotala Macranda cuttings floating on the top, starting to throw roots out.

Liquid CO2, lots of Fertiliser and 2 x T5 tubes only on for 4 hours a day.20200727_145734.jpg20200727_145857.jpg20200727_150133.jpg20200727_150024.jpg20200727_145810.jpg20200727_150146.jpg20200727_150158.jpg
What do you use to grow your cuttings in? and yes to Shrimp 👍

Hi Mell,

I save all my old plastic plant pots. I line the pots with a thin layer of filter wool, place some JBL Volcanic in the bottom of the pot, lower the cuttings into the pot and gently pack more JBL Volcanic substrate in around the plant base and tuck it in. Just enough so the pot doesn't float and the plants don't come out.

The 1-2 Grow stuff is way too small to plant straight away, especially the Altananthera Reinecki Mini, Staurygene Repens, and the Rotala Wallichi.

Plus they need time to acclimatised to being submerged again.

Could be a few weeks before I'm ready to pot them.

I bought a load of mosses as well which were in 1-2 Grow pots. That is now in sealed glass jars with a fine layer of sponge at the bottom and a handful of the Volcanic. Half an inch of tank water, leave to establish onto the sponge.

Hope that helps.