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90L with eheim classic 2217, flow question


8 Sep 2010

Got this setup as it was really all I could afford right now. Specs state, Pump output 1000l/h, Filter circulation 790l/h.

Having read that many manufacturers specs are generally way off the reality, what do you think would be the actual l/ph? I know I should really have a more powerful filter, but as I said it just isn't economically viable right now based on the FE, reactor, regulator and various other essentials that have been purchased. In light of having a 90l tank that should be aiming for the 900l/h, what would you suggest as the best method in the meantime to getting the flow up? I know, buying a suitably sized filter is the obvious option, but do you think say a Koralia 900 l/h or 1600 l/h could be a viable option? As many other people have made comments about these, I take it these a reasonably large and perhaps a bit in your face. Would that be a correct assumption. I think I read front to back is 85mm. A bit eye catching perhaps.

Just looking to see if anyone has any better recommendations. Long term I will upgrade the filter, but chose the 2217 as the intake being at the base suited, based on positioning of the filter in relation to the tank. It's not in an underneath cabinet but behind the tank. Top loading filter ends up with air locks.
If you look on eBay you can get 2000 litter per hour wave makers etc for less than ten pound so much cheaper than buying some of the bigger branded ones. If you can't afford to buy a bigger filter then that's definitely your best bet. You don't necessarily need to invest in another fijter too, a powerhead and your eheim will be fine. And you can turn the powerhead off at night too.
I want to try an have a look at one in the flesh. 85mm seems pretty large back to front. You wouldn't miss that.

One thing I was considering was say a Koralia but cut the suction cup thing off the back and perhaps silicone it to a backplate and suction cups. Looking at side on pictures, I think that would save me about 20/30mm. I really don't need the rotational part of it I think. Slap it right in the middle
Yeah I guess so. I've never used them so I don't know. You could try a koralia nano or a good second hand filter which their ate plenty of. I gave away my lady spare filter a few weeks back or you could have had that. I think westy in the for sale forum is selling an ex1200 for 40 pound which is good. That would give you about an extra 7 to 800 litres an hour when you take into account all media etc
I'd love the extra filter route, but space is my enemy there. Or lack of it. I do need the extra circulation though.
The pump may be the short term fix. Even if I upgrade the filter, the classic would do for the nano that I'll no doubt end up building
Thanks James. I think I do prefer the look of the Koralia and it's certainly 1600 l/h which would be better.