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75-p vs 120-p


20 Aug 2010
Cumbria, UK
I can't get my head around this one. I need some help. Buying from TGM.

I can either go for a 75-p with all ADA products, or a 120-p with none ADA products. I know that bigger the tank the more stable it is? As they say "Bigger the better"

Let's do some math.

A 75-p
RemoveProducts Qty.Total
ADA Solar I Arm Stand 60x45cm Right

Do!aqua Wood Cabinet 75x45x70cm

ADA Cube Garden 75-P: 75 x 45 x 45cm

ADA Solar I (with NA Green Lamp MH 150W)

Subtotal: £1,519.87​
This isn't even including the substrate, hardscape or plants. So this means ill have to hold off and buy them at a later date.


RemoveProducts Qty.Total
ADA Cube Garden 120-P: 120 x 45 x 45cm

Do!aqua Wood Cabinet 120x45x70cm

Subtotal: £1,304.98​
This setup means i can buy substrate, hardscape and plants (as i already have a light, DIY light stand ect in mind.)
I was wondering what would you go for? (I need help with this sort of thing as im useless at making my mind up!)
What's the difference, for example number of substrate bags needed.. I know that you'll need around 3 bags of substrate for the 75-p, but is it much of a difference for a 120-p for example an extra 2 / 3 bags?
Where the 120-p will go (this fish tank in the picture will be gone):

Where the 75p will go (fits in perfect):

I second what Tim said. Give NA a thought. Bigger tanks are said to be more stable but (in my limited experience) it's a lot to deal with if you are new to all of this. I've got a NA 65cm- as big as the g/f will allow!
Yeah ok, you guy's got me. Had a look at it's much cheaper to buy a NA rather than a ADA and had a look at 120cm - Asian dreams And the NA tank's look the same quality as ADA if not better. Also gives me a bit of pocket money 🙂

I've put a order in with Ed, trying to phone him about it.

Do any of you know the rough delivery time on these?
In all honesty they are very different tanks. It depends very much on what sort of scaping you prefer, if you have an idea of a layout.....i personally prefer a more landscape look with proportions which are a minimum 2:1 ratio of length to height. The 75p will look tall, much like the lava rock scape at TGM and can present some scaping and distribution challenges. The 120 is probably everyones dream, but set up costs and running costs will be much greater.....consider buying plants alone to stock a tank like this, £400 ish id guess....dont want to be rescaping that too often, add to that potential substrate, Hardscape, ferts, filtration, c02 etc and it does get expensive.
A 90x 45x 45 is a nice size and maybe a compromise.
Like the others say, also consider the NA range, the new stands are lovely and the glasswork very good.
TGM also do custom builds i think and standard TGM optiwhites, and stands i believe, which could be another option.
If its ADA you want then you have much to think about 🙂 An alcove is always a nice place for a tank though, kind of protected somehow and a feature.....if not a little awkward to work in if its a tight fit.
