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72g bowfront with sump.. worth buying ?? Its in bad shape


8 Nov 2014
Hey guys, on craigslist where I live this guy is selling his 72g bowfront.. No stand, no actual sump tank but it is built into the tank with all the plumbing in the tank, but it is missing all the pumps and tubing outside the tank..

He wants $80 but im going to offer him 40, the tank is unknown age, and been sitting in a shed for awhile.. So I will have to redo all the silicone on it to make sure it doesn't leak and since I don't know much about sumps and all the parts are missing I will probably seal off the plumbing in the tank and just use it a regular fish tank..

Personally I wanted a larger tank, like a 90g corner tank or something.. but my discus are in my 44g pentagon and it was ok for awhile but they need a larger tank, hense the 72g.. Do you think its worth the hassel or no ?

if youre in the US, dont petco do a dollar-per-gallon sale? ...so $72 for a 72g. Is your time going to be worth $32? And, at the end of it, you'll have a dated tank with holes drilled in it.
They do but thats only for tetra or whatever tanks. And they only sell 55g and under tanks. In fact they are having that sale now.

And this tank is drilled from its manufacterer
Go take a look at the tank - Oceanic tanks are built to last & high clarity glass (no comparison with the sort of tanks that Petco have on sale) - if no scratches etc, even the ask price is a good deal
BUT try to find history on the tank, chat guy up about reptiles etc & see if they were kept in the tank ... seems a bit odd that guy kept tank but not the fittings if it was used as a fish tank, possibly picked up as a project that never went anywhere ...
That's what he said.. he said he got the tank and was going to use it, but never did and it ended up sitting in the shed outside for a year and he needs to get rid of it.. He said he doesn't know the date manufacture and he knows its missing the parts and it might need resealed because once a tank is used and sat dry in the weather seals can go bad.. hense why the low price he said.

Im just tired of my small tanks.. I have tanks ranging from 2.6g, 5.5g, 10g, 27g, 30g, 44g, 55g.. But nothing really large.. and while the 72g isn't much bigger then a 55g.. cept for how deep it is.. Id prefer to get a 100+g tank, but with a deal like this you know ?