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7 years ago......

Martin Osmond

18 Dec 2012
Just stumbled back to this forum after a long time away, I last logged on in 2018 so it's been a while!

I doubt anyone remembers me so a little background if i may. Last time I attempted a planted tank I bought everything and I mean everything and was ready to go. I was waiting for my next payday to place my first order of plants when something in my personal life went wrong and I ended up selling everything.

I haven't had any tanks for a while now, my last one was a mbuna cichlid tank but I shut it down a couple of years ago due to a house move. Here's a few shots of it and some of the wild Mbuna I kept.


Anyway after another house move last week my wonderful wife said to me ' Do you fancy another fish tank?'. Silly thing to ask really and my answer was pretty emphatic. So, I've been given the nod for a small tank to go in the corner of our new living room. Pretty sure it's gonna be a 40 cube but I'm so out of touch with everything I haven't got a clue what to get therefore I ask the members of UKAPS to build me a set up consisting of everything I need to do a high tech 40 cubed planted tank.

I don't have a budget in mind. I'd like to say money is no object but I don't want to be spending silly money. At the same time I don't want cheap and tacky so what would you buy if you could?

Appreciate any advice and thank you all in advance.

check out the chihiros site for some cool things:

also if you do decide to spend silly money check out the ada website:
Rough cost of my set-up for a high tech 50cm tank.

  1. Superfish Scaper 60 - £110
  2. Oase styleline 85 cabinet - £90
  3. Fluval 207 Filter - £125
  4. Glass Lily pipes - £15 (cheap from Aliexpress)
  5. Chihiros WRGB2 45 - £164
  6. Chihiros Shades - £34
  7. Seachem Matrix 1L - £15
  8. Tropica Soil Powder 9 litre (some left over) - £33
  9. JBL Proscape Volcano 3L (to increase substrate height) - £9
  10. Dennerle Black Deponit (mixed with the JBL volcano) 2.4kg - £13
  11. CO2 Art CO2 Regulator - £60 (Facebook Marketplace, may need some maintenance)
  12. 2kg CO2 extinguisher -£10 (Facebook Marketplace, expired ones are fine)
  13. Plants - £100
  14. 100W Heater - £30
  15. CO2 Art inline diffuser - £30
  16. Misc (clear hosing, PH checker, check valve, Aquascaping tools etc...) - £100
  17. API water test kit - £30

You might note that the Superfish Scaper comes with a filter and light already. I opted to not use those but if you do use those instead you would save a good chunk of money. Browse Facebook Marketplace there is lots of good deals on there, I would have bought a lot more stuff from there if it was more local to me. Similarly, you can often find members on this forum selling their set-up for a really good price too if you're happy to wait for a good deal!

There will be some ongoing costs too such as fertiliser and root tabs but these vary in price depending on which you go for. Personally I'm a fan of the 2hr aquarist brand.
Hi Martin,

I’m definitely not an expert on the kit, or the plants, or really anything! However, I can give a personal perspective from a similar position to yours which might be of interest.

I got back into aquariums about 2 years ago after a long break and was determined to go big on a planted tank. I dutifully bought a chunk of entry level and second hand stuff and and enthusiastically ordered a whole bunch of plants and root tabs before watching most of the plants I bought wilt away over the first couple of months (everything apart from Java ferns and Amazon frogbit that is).

I then read a bit more, learned a bit about different substrate mixes etc, refreshed my school biology knowledge and set up a second tank and bought some more plants. After a few months I realised that the second tank managed to sustain a decent amount of dwarf sag, vallisineria, Anubias and bucephelandra. I transferred the fish and started again on the first tank, transferring some trimmings and trying some crypts, Monte Carlo and Amazon swords. I watched the crypts and Monte Carlo disappear but was encouraged by the trimmings and the swords that seemed to be growing. I added fish to this tank, including a bristle nose, which proceeded to strip the Amazon swords.

I then picked up a third tank and transferred the remaining swords, planted some more Monte Carlo and a few mystery bulbs. The swords and Monte Carlo died, but the bulbs thrived. So I rescaped it and added Java fern and wood in amongst the bulbs and 9 months after starting I accidentally had the first tank I really liked the look of, and more importantly, one my wife liked the look of so that the aquariums graduated to the living room.

I am definitely not high tech, and most of the kit I have is beginner or second hand. This has kept the cost down but also means I am sticking in beginner plant territory for now. Im now up to six aquariums of various sizes in my living room, and I have a nice stock/colony of plants growing to start on tank number 7. However, if I were doing it all again, I would be tempted to get some more expensive lights and better substrate to begin with and likely kill fewer plants (lights and substrate seemed to be key to me keeping them alive). Also i hope this is a cautionary tale on how one tank quickly becomes a habit!

Best of luck
