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nico said:
Dave Spencer , yes Uttoshii is an another name i go by 😀 😉

I remember seeing an Iwagumi of yours from a while back. It`s still one of my favourites.

^ Got a pic of that iwagumi?

I have to say, I preferred it with the stems in but it still looks pretty good! 😉
Dave Spencer said:
I remember seeing an Iwagumi of yours

was it a big one (240L) with some vivipara in the background or a small one (60L) all in short plants with a white background? :?: (maybe i should open a topic with all of my tanks...) 😉
nico said:
Dave Spencer said:
I remember seeing an Iwagumi of yours

was it a big one (240L) with some vivipara in the background or a small one (60L) all in short plants with a white background? :?: (maybe i should open a topic with all of my tanks...) 😉

I think that topic is a good idea 😉
Thomas McMillan said:
nico said:
Dave Spencer said:
I remember seeing an Iwagumi of yours

was it a big one (240L) with some vivipara in the background or a small one (60L) all in short plants with a white background? :?: (maybe i should open a topic with all of my tanks...) 😉

I think that topic is a good idea 😉

i'll second that 😀
Hey Nico.
I'm also new to this site.
Why don't you try changing your tank background?
I think white would change the whole mood of you tank.
Keep us posted! 😀
Loved that first shot - must admit, I don't think I could have brought myself to rip it apart.

What type of birds are those you've got. I used to let our parrot (Dexter) out with me when I did the tanks until I found him ripping apart a load of plants I'd laid out ready to plant. :evil:
Cyworld said:
Why don't you try changing your tank background?
I think white would change the whole mood of you tank.

i'm having difficulties taking nice pictures with a white background , but i'm working on it 😉

altaaffe said:
Loved that first shot - must admit, I don't think I could have brought myself to rip it apart.

to be honnest i kind of strt to regret too 😀 😉

altaaffe said:
What type of birds are those you've got. I used to let our parrot (Dexter) out with me when I did the tanks until I found him ripping apart a load of plants I'd laid out ready to plant. :evil:

this one is called a "perruche catherine" in french , i dont know the english name , i had many sort of small perrots this race is definitivly the best one , in all ways , they are kind of lazy and prefer to walk rather than flying , they are very quiet (really very quiet) , they like to play (hide and seek) , their ...mouth (lol, forgot the word) is not strong so even if they try to bite they dont do any damage (not even on a piece of paper) , they are very affective and curious ...the cage is always open when we are at home , never no problem 😉
I never knew birds would walk if they are lazy.lol
They sound very interesting and cute.
does anyone know how i can post my own threads and photos and projects ? would be really useful if I could actually get some feed back on my tank.. yours look beautiful by the way 🙂
jackrythm said:
does anyone know how i can post my own threads and photos and projects ?
Hi there,
you can ask any question you like in general planted tank discussions, and find help on technical issues such as photo posting in the 'technical help' sub forum :thumbup:
You can post your own threads in each sub forum by pressing the 'new topic' button at the top of each page, giving it a title and then adding your question or maybe in the case of a journal your tank specs, issues, successes etc. There is a dedicated journal section for presenting your tanks progress which is great for sharing and learning and getting constructive criticism. If you have a completed scape and would just like some feedback, maybe try adding a new topic in this 'planted tank gallery' sub forum.
As for adding images, heres a link to a thread 'how do you post a picture' in the technical help sub forum: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=2618
Hope this helps.