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1 Jan 2009

here's one of my tanks , this one is now a bit more than 2 months old , basicaly it was meant an iwagumi but the stem part went well so i kept it that way....anyways it is gonna turn to an iwagumi next week so here are the final pictures of this scape.i feel l ike the matogrossesse part (left part) doen't really blend in the stem part , seems like something is missing,still there wont be any improvement.

hope you like it anyways

Hi nico and welcome to UKAPS!

Your layout is beautiful and a refreshing change from a typical Iwagumi. The bold use of stems and colour pays off very well to create a fantastical scene. The lush hairgrass carpet looks good enough to sleep in!

I love your rocks. Are they locally collected?

Can you share some tank specs, set-up and maintenance practices, please?
This is a nice tank! It has a great sense of scale, but I think the red fish blow it out a bit. I really like it though! 😉
thank you for your comments 😀

sorry ,i always forget the technical part .... 😀

tank is 60*30*36 , 65L
lights: 36W (2*18W) ada na-lamp 11h/day i always use a rather small Watts/Liters ratio
flitration: eheim 2213 , biological filtration (as for all of my tanks)
co2 : 1bps industrial 11h/day
ferts :brightyK, step1 , and more recently special lights daily
water changes 1/3 a week

Thomas McMillan said:
but I think the red fish blow it out a bit

i do agree , those fishes were in this tank from before the rescape and i had no other tank in which they would fit , so they stayed here , i do regret it now , as their red color definitly doesn't fit the scene and their size tend to make the look smaller.... :?

for this lay out i wanted use stones in a different way ,not standing up but laying down as the scene i was imagining was some kind of hill (that should show when it will turn to an iwagumi)

here' the lay-out set up


George , stones are localy collected , i am quite lucky to be able to find some nice pieces quite easily , here's one of my favorite spot 😉

it must be nice to have 2 birds on one arm! :lol:

nice scape nico, truly! it's the red that makes the scape for me.

I'm a tad envious that you can get quality stones so freely.
Nice intro Nico, j'adore your scape hehe 🙂 truly inspiring, I love the grass carpet, I wanted to try it out but the grass I had in my tank never spread out. Have to learn how that is done.

I would not turn it into an iguwamu, I love it the way it is, the colours of the plants are really great 🙂 congrats
here are a few closer pics 😉




Stuworrall , as this version is finished i want to do something new , i have some ideas and i need to get busy with my tanks , but before rescaping it totally i really want to do the iwagumi version , i might be done with it very quickly 😉
I'm blown away by this scape. I can't think of any negative comments at all. I love it completely. I disagree about the red fish, I think they compliment it.

That huge rock is fantastic aswell.
Very very impressive, to say anything bad would be a travesty. I felt so inspired by it I ripped down my nuked tank and put on my shorts to see if I could find any rocks in the river.
Garuf said:
Very very impressive, to say anything bad would be a travesty. I felt so inspired by it I ripped down my nuked tank and put on my shorts to see if I could find any rocks in the river.

nice to see you back on track again Gareth 8)

I like the tank a lot too 😀
You wouldn`t happen to be uttoshii, would you? :idea:

thank you for your comments 😀

Garuf , that's the spirit :lol: 😉

Dave Spencer , yes Uttoshii is an another name i go by 😀 😉

here is what the tank looks like now , there is still a lot to do , eleocharis parvula should appear from behind the main stone that looks kind of bold right now ...i'm still wondering if i should use some classic eleocharis behind the main rock???? i am also thinking about using a nymphea ....gotta think about it ..... i have to remove some fishes to keep only simulans ....still a lot to do ....

this picture has been digitally "changed" (i removed the filter and co2 set digitally ), sorry about that 😉

Haha, you have no idea how cold that river was.
A nyphia would be brilliant it needs that splash of colour that made this tank so magical previously.
It's still nice but subtracting the colour and texture has subtracted some of the magic.