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65L iwagumi , new lay-out


1 Jan 2009
Hi everybody ,

Here's a new tank i am starting now its a 60*30*36cm , 65Liters , at this point only the hardscape is done , plantation is going to be very simple , moss in the foreground , only in the central part sand will be visible , midground and background will be a mix of moss/glosso/eleocharis (mainly eleocharis) with a bit of tenellus in the back .

Hope you like it 😀


here is how i want the foreground to be , the green area is moss 😉

some news of this tank , it is going low tech as i planted only moss and tenellus , light 0.3W/L , co2 1bp3s , nearly no fert , water changes every 2 or 3 weeks at the best , i added moss recently , did not grow much yet , anyways this one will take some time , i have to brush the stones as they turned from grey to brown , not so nice 😀 😉 hygrophila in the back will be removed when the other plants will have grown enough

Another class aquascape, I really like the feel that your planting achieves. Nice one! 😀
Love the rocks and their layout! Are they Manten stone?

A very low maintenance Iwagumi is a great idea too.

How many tanks are you running right now, nico?
Saintly , i didnt have any white sheet big enough to put on the wall , i'll get it for next time 😉

George those rocks come from a river in the north of Osaka , it's quite a beautiful place , i can put some pictures if you want (although i think i did already ...not so sure... 😀 ) , those stones texture is quite similar to the manten but its color is more clear ....
here is a better picture with a white background , i also cleaned the stones and the sand 😀 have to wait a couple of months to have a more natural plantation , for the fishes i am thinking about H. amandae 😀

Nice job lining the rock cracks into a really natural looking layout, another great tank - T
thank you for your comments , i'm glad you like it 😀

there is going to be some work to do with moss in the long term , in the end i'd like to be able to keep the moss quite low in the front not to cover the stones a bit higher in the back of the foreground :lol: ) and be able to let some tenellus come in the moss ...but not to much ....but still some ....
...had some Kilkenny and Guinness beer tonigh mixed with sake ...not beeing so clear ....

..f*ck my bird is attacking my foot :silent:
Your aquarium looks lovely.
The rocks look very dramatic and I've taken note of your moss stones & I'm going to give that a try.
Keep it posted on how it develops.