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60cm Tank Size Options

James O

16 Nov 2013
South Coast
Luuurve the ADA 60H 60x45x45 I've seen at Green Machine. Oh so sexy. However I can get an AquaOne Aquaopti 60x40x40 for half the price. I was blown away by the silicone quality etc. from such a mainstream company.

It's not the money as I know well that quality has its price and am happy to cough up :greedy: It's the extra 5cm in depth and height I can't figure. For example they do a 80x40x40 for the same price as the 60H giving loads more width options.....

Is the 5cm extra depth and height really worth it?
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I prefer the dimensions of the AquaOne they're better proportioned. 45cm height on a 60cm tank looks odd to me...so IMO definitely not worth it.
Hi a all

I have two optiwhite tanks that are really worth compared to floating glass ones... But TBH I think they are as good as the ADA ones but for half the price. I admit that the silicone work on ADA ones is excellent but to tell the difference you have to look from above and very close. Something that of course won't be noticed 25 cm away from the tank or in a picture.
Personally I think that 5 cm in heigh won't very important. Save that money for equipment or beer!

Recently purchased one of the 80cm versions and absolutely love it. Managed to get one of the 45cm high ones as well (Apparently they "accidentally" made a few with a 45cm height instead of 40cm).

I managed to purchase that and an inspire 80 cabinet for a total of £220 which seems like fantastic value. Granted it's not ADA, but for the price - I haven't found it beat.
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