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60cm - Sumatran Chocolate

The gouramis look nice and healthy George. Bet it's nice to have at least one tank that doesn't need all the dosing and trimming eh?! :lol:
I love this setup george, it looks so 'warm' very different to what you normally do but fantastic as usual!!
Thanks everyone.

The decor is plays sand, Sumatra wood from Unipac, Indian almond leaves from AE and bits of old bogwood etc. from Jeremy.

Temp is 28C. pH<6.

Plants are Salvinia natans.

Virtually zero maintenance. I just top up with RO and feed fish. The floaters deal with nutrient build-up. I remove a handful every week.
Themuleous said:
Interesting tank George, must be a nice change for planty tanks?

I've just set up a hillstream loach tank, get something a bit more unusual.


Yes, I like biotopes. Nearly as much as well-aquascaped planted.

And some folk still think I don't care about the fish... 😀
Thanks, Martin.

Lighting is 2 x 18w T8 6500K.

I underexposed the shot to enhance the murky, blackwater look.
George this i a beautiful biotope tank. Recently i've really got into biotope tanks, I have a tank that looks similar to this set up for Apistos, I got a pair of wild A. Iniridae, unfortunatly i lost them to infection soon after acquiring them.

Do you plan any other biotope setups?