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6 months on


New Member
16 Sep 2023
I thought I would take the time to share a few photos taken in stages over the past 6 months in setting up and maturing this 6ft tank. I’m doing so through both gratitude to the experienced members of this forum that gave me a few pointers and confidence along the way, and as a reassurance to those embarking on this journey to be both patient & persistent. I’ve been lurking in the background, avidly reading and learning through my own mistakes. Naturally I’m not uploading photos of this times of crisis, when my naivety & impatience got the better of me - whether through mismanagement of my initial attempts at introducing CO2 or the explosive growth of algae whilst the tank was cycling.
Despite the current controversy being discussed across this forum, I wouldn’t be where I am today without it


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Your tank looks really beautiful! Such healthy plant growth. I would love to know the details about what you've used to create it (size of tank, substrate, etc). And also how you overcame your algae crises.
Your tank looks really beautiful! Such healthy plant growth. I would love to know the details about what you've used to create it (size of tank, substrate, etc). And also how you overcame your algae crises.
Thanks Surya. Tank is 200x35x75 made to measure for the available space rather than an off the shelf model. I’m running an FX4 filter & fire extinguisher CO2. I lined the bottom with 40kg pea shingle, topped with 18l of V2 Amazonia substrate capped with silver sand. I used APT start to kick things off. In terms of algae management - this was prevalent from the offset and caused me no end of worries. Honestly there were moments when I was so heartbroken and demoralised. I’d read the need to plant up upon completion of cycle to aid the growth of beneficial bacteria but almost everything I planted soon became covered in diatom algae. Blue green filament algae soon took hold, resulting in the need to remove and treat using APT fix.
I had fully intended to remain low tech, despite the high output from the 2 Week Aqua P900 Pro lights, but time taught me that with a tank this size CO2 became necessary as the plant growth was negligible. That which was growing was leggy or not showing true colours. Moderation of the number of hours the lights were on combined with patience and good fortune allowed me to overcome almost all algae. I still get some blue/green filament algae, but noticed this primarily developing where the flow of water comes from the spray bar.