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6' barb tank


18 Jul 2008
Hello 🙂

I'm new around here (although some of you might recognise me from 'elsewhere' 😉)

This is my 6' barb tank when I first set it up in February 2008:


Here are a couple of recent shots:



Filtration is 3 x Aquis 1000s. CO2 is injected via an aquamas in-line diffuser at 2bsp. Substrate is tetra complete covered in sand with unplanted gravel 'river'.

C&C welcome (I think :?).................

Hi Bebea,welcome to our superb forum,very nice dutch style setup indeed,is this your first attempt at planted tanks? its a very nice start, what are your fish stocking levels? regards john.
Hello All 🙂

Thanks for the welcome and nice comments 😀

This is not my first planted tank although it is my first serious attempt (with decent substrate and lighting etc). I have a couple of other smaller tanks (a 200l and 65l) that are very low tech and planted (sort of 🙄).

The fish stock in this tank is as follows:

11 x Puntius nigrofasciatus (black ruby barbs)
9 x Puntius rhomboocellatus (snakeskin barbs)
34 x Puntius tetrazona (tiger barbs - 11 regular, 7 green, 6 neon green, 10 albino)
8 x Puntius ticto (odessa barbs)
8 x Puntius titteya (cherry barbs)



1 x Ancistrini L082 (opal spot pleco)
3 x Ancistrus plec (bristlenose plecos)
1 x Baryancistrus L177 (gold nugget pleco)
1 x Hypancistrus L066 (king tiger pleco)
1 x Peckoltia L163 (big spot peckoltia pleco)




6 x Corydoras paleatus (peppered corys)
6 x Corydoras panda (panda corys)
5 x Corydoras trilineatus (trili corys)


10 x Otocinclus (otos)
8 x Pangio kuhlii (kuhli loach)

9 Pomacea bridgesii (apple snails - 2 purple, 2 pink, 2 blue, 2 ivory & 1 yellow)
3 Bee Staghorn Nerite Snails


Thanks for looking

Tom said:
Hi Zoe 😀 Tank's looking great 😉

Like the plecs too 🙂


Hello you 🙂

Thanks. I too love the plecs 😀 But then I'd have to as the little blighters are ruining my echinodorus 🙄 I removed approx. 20 leaves today 🙁 Serve me right for not giving them veggies yesterday in the hope they might eat the algea on the front glass instead :shock:

Very nice !

Nice mix of planted/community tropical fish, It was a Brave move to put the plecs and the barbs with your lovley plants but it seems to work well.

These tanks are great, If im right They are made by Aquaone they come in varying sizes 120cm, 150cm and 180cm!
MA sell them!
planter said:
Very nice !

Nice mix of planted/community tropical fish, It was a Brave move to put the plecs and the barbs with your lovley plants but it seems to work well.

These tanks are great, If im right They are made by Aquaone they come in varying sizes 120cm, 150cm and 180cm!
MA sell them!

Thanks Planter 🙂

The plecs are terrorizing one of my swords currently :evil: I have to say I am not impressed! The barbs leave the plants entirely alone though.

Yes the tank is AquaOne dimensions: 71" x 24" x 24" / 180cm x 60cm x 60cm. And I purchased it from MA 🙂

Hi Zoe,

Your tank is very looking good 🙂 How are the 'whiter' T5 lamps working out? Hope the plec's sprout diet is helping your swords :lol:

Cheers, Pete.
Thanks evryone 🙂

pompeyfan said:
Hi Zoe,

Your tank is very looking good 🙂 How are the 'whiter' T5 lamps working out? Hope the plec's sprout diet is helping your swords :lol:

Cheers, Pete.

Hey Pete!!

The lamps are fantastic thank-you, thank-you, thank-you 😀 I've put two of the new lamps into the arcadia with two of the original (all 4 white lamps washed out all the red in the tank including my barbs 🙁). The plants are loving the extra kelvin - I'm having to skim off floating plants every other day! Still the gourami in the upstairs tank is enjoying the addition of lots of floaters *snigger*. He's bubble nest building for england.

You are a star Pete 😀


PS Sprots, cucumber, corgette, melon, algea tabs - all are devoured with relish but they are still terrorising my large Echinodorus 'Rose' :/
Hello all 🙂

It's been a while so I thought I'd post some recent shots of the tank. Not much has changed 🙄



Some of the occupants:


pomacea bridgesii (apple snail)


hypancistrus L066 (king tiger plec)


hypostomus L077 (rusty plec) threatening hypancistrus L066 [he won 😉]


a mixture of barbs

Thanks for looking 😀
