Neocaridina (RCS (Red Cherry Shrimp)) can cohabit with Caridinae (Bee Shrimp, CRS, CBS (Crystal Red + Crystal Black Shrimp)) without interbreeding and producing offspring.
However I have observed male Neocaridina pheromone hunt Caridina and subsequently make successful attempts to mate with a female Caridina and visibly depositing a packet of sperm over her genital tract (packet seen when none before), a female can be overwhelmed by suitors, not ideal if they are the wrong type as this could potentially prevent fertilisation of her eggs by sperm from her own Genus. Multiple sperm packets are deposited by multiple males so that fertilisation off eggs could possibly be from more than one male when the female deposits the eggs over the packets, possibly because I'm not sure if subsequent partners are able to dislodge (or rupture before time) previous suitors packets to deposit their own and then to hang on and not let go of the female to ensure parentage, I have witnessed the hanging on and not letting go of an RCS male coupled with a CBS female that required intervention to separate (big pointy long handled tweezers and a tap to the tail).
So no Frankenstein shrimp between the two but you may get no shrimp depending if either species males are mating with the wrong females.