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4ft Journal (TetraUK)


14 Nov 2011
Addlestone, Surrey
Hi All,

New guy here, hoping with the help of this forum that I can improve the look of my 4ft aquarium... Have attempted a nice planted tank a few times but everything seems to look poor over time so ends up being ripped out binned and replaced.

Recently I gave the aquarium a spring clean (Guess that should be winter clean but doesn't sound the same) and the only plants remaining are the Microsorum pteropus, Microsorum pteropus 'Windeløv'.

(Please excuse quality of image it was taken on my iPhone... I will get the camera out next time)

I have some Vesicularia ferriei on it's way, which I am planning on attaching to the bare bog-wood and have two Nymphaea rubra bulbs which have just started to sprout leaves, that are planted to the left in the middle with the idea that the lilly pads will grow up through the twisted larger bog-wood branch until they reach the surface.

Aquarium has been established 10 years, but content and layout has been changed a few times from Community to Discus, Discus to Malawi Cichlids and now back to Community :arrow:

Livestock list

25 Paracheirodon innesi
10 Nematobrycon palmeri
1 Hypostomus plecostomus
2 Corydoras aeneus

4 Black Pterophyllum scalare - Arriving Thursday
6 Pangio myersi - Arriving Thursday

It's getting late so I will continue this post tomorrow but thought I would get round to posting something, otherwise I will end up just being a browser :silent:

Many thanks,

Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Hi foxfish,

Thanks for your reply, nothing at the moment. I have attempted to dose co2 before in a smaller tank many years ago but only using one of the Hagen Co 2 Natural Plant Systems which I believe was a diy mix of sugar, yeast and baking soda. Worked ok but haven't attempted it on the 4ft due to the size of the tank.

I have used plant tabs before, called aquatab plant fertiliser which are pushed in to the substrate around the plants and I have some bottles of Tetra PlantaMin and Nutrafin PlantGro but have not been dosing these yet as I have had trouble working out the correct dosage and ddidn't want to over dose and damage the fish...

This morning I have attempted to work out my volumes using an on-line calculator and have worked it out as being:
228 Litres / 50.15 UK Gallons (Length 120cm x High 50cm x Width 38cm) but still not 100% if I have done it correct.

Many thanks,

Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

I have just realised that I forgot to mention in my intro and stats that I only use RO in the 4ft.. but I may have to review this as I cannot currently do the trips to the LFS at the moment as I'm not able to drive due to a broken toe. Not sure if this will make any difference to the plants growing conditions or not?

A few more fish arriving tomorrow from Kesgrave Tropicals and then once they are settled I would like to start purchasing some plants... Our local LFS stocks various potted plants however they seem to have had a outbreak of cyano in their plant tanks last time I was there so I refrained from buying anything. Any suggestions on species for the back of the aquarium and some smaller species to plant around the cobbles at the front would be wonderful :thumbup: Also could anyone re-commend some on-line plant suppliers?

Going to try and find out if there are any local fish clubs, would be nice to find some local enthusiasts, who have planted aquariums as I would love to buy cutting etc to save on costs rather than having to order everything from a store.

Anyway, enough chatter for now...


Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

I believe if you're using RO you'll need to remineralise it before it'll support plants properly I think this could be achieved best with EI dosing the water column though someone with more knowledge than me will probably provide a definite answer
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

hinch said:
I believe if you're using RO you'll need to remineralise it before it'll support plants properly I think this could be achieved best with EI dosing the water column though someone with more knowledge than me will probably provide a definite answer

Thanks hinch, I had never thought about the RO not having enough minerals or nutrients for the plants, I only started using when I got the discus and even though I sold them on ages ago I haven't stopped using it. Not sure why :crazy:
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Yes 228 lt is correct.
You might have to make a few decisions about your tank if you want to concentrate on growing plants.
As your tank is pretty large the DIY C02 sytems are not really suitable so you could follow the low tech route using low lighting & adding the appropriate amount of ferts etc or the high tech route that requires the introduction of pressurised C02.
There is a low tech section on the forum but the hight tech is far more discussed probably because it is more exciting!
Whatever you decide ask plenty of questions & read as much as possible before spending a penny 🙂
Have a look here viewforum.php?f=27
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Thanks for checking in again foxfish - Much appreciated :thumbup:

From what you have explained, I think I am best probably going with a low tech planted aquarium and then maybe in the future move on if I succeed. Today I got 5 Anubias barteri var. nana and have attached them to the bogwood and also planted 3 bunches of Cabomba caroliniana just to add something to the back of the aquarium. (Not a big fan of Cabomba but it will do for now and I will see how it does)

Weeping moss will be arriving tomorrow along with my new fish, so will post an updated picture tomorrow evening once things have setted down.

On the subject of ferts, after you confirmed I had the volumes correct... I decided to make a start and have dosed the aquarium with an aquatic plant feed by Hagen called PlantGro.
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

This morning, the postman arrived with my fish delivery from Kesgrave Tropicals and a packet from another fellow fish keeper which contained a clump of nice green Vesicularia ferriei. Fish acclimatised and plants attached to wood...

Had to do a little re-scape as the large wood branch broke into two pieces, but I'm actually quite pleased now as it look much better split with the plants attached. I will post an update image later tonight after the fish have had a chance to settle in.
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Update on the aquarium, after adding the new plants and fish...

Low lights: 1 Strip (My prefered lighting option)

High Lights: 2 Strips (Too bright for my liking but I turn it on a few hours a day for the benefit of the plants)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us


Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Tanks looking great mate, I prefer the second pic as the greens in the plant look lovely. Not too sure about the dosing of your nutrafin plant food, but after each change I'd have thought you'd dose for the full tank still. But maybe split the dosing to a daily dosing instead of one go??

Looking forward to seeing it progress
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Alastair said:
Tanks looking great mate, I prefer the second pic as the greens in the plant look lovely. Not too sure about the dosing of your nutrafin plant food, but after each change I'd have thought you'd dose for the full tank still. But maybe split the dosing to a daily dosing instead of one go??

Looking forward to seeing it progress

Thanks Alastair,

The second light is just so bright though.. but yes it does show the plants off well. Not sure which is best for them though as I originally added the second plant gro bulb thinking the plants would benefit from the extra light but then I was having issues with Java fern leaves getting brown patches and was told by someone that it may be to the lighting being to strong so I now only put the stronger bulb on for a few hours during the daytime when I'm home.

As for the Plant Gro ferts, I will just have to wait and see if I get any replies, did think about re-dosing the whole tank but was worried I might overdose the Aquarium that way as I'm only changing 20L of the water each time?

Only other question I need to ask someone is if Carbon has any effect on ferts? Only I have carbon in my filter for water clarity and wondered if it may be taking the nutrients out the water again, if so then I can remvove it and not replace.

:crazy: TetraUK
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Just split your plant food into a daily dose then mate. I wouldn't have thought browning leaves was too much light. I have massive light on mine and never experienced that. Anything like that is usually down to lack of nutrients or co2 from what I'm aware.
In response to your question about carbon, it's been pointed out a few times on here that carbon has little if any affect on ferts at all if dosed correctly. I've used it a few times in my tank with no I'll effect and I believe some of the more experienced people do also.
If its water clarity you want then things like purigen ate excellent for that and can be repeatedly recharged and used again. Lots of people love the stuff. Carbon only absorbs nasties and tea staining for a few weeks them dumps it back into the tank, but is excellent for use as bio media after
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Cheers for you time again Alastair.. Did read it was only active for a two weeks and had planned on removing it Monday anyway but thanks for confirming it shouldn't effect the plant growth.

Daily dosing sounds good, does 5ml a day sounds right? (Weekly dose is 10ml per 70L and aquarium volume is 228L)

I think I read in your journal that you dose daily, can I ask what you do if you miss a day do you double dose the following day? Apologies for all the questions.
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

TetraUK said:
Cheers for you time again Alastair.. Did read it was only active for a two weeks and had planned on removing it Monday anyway but thanks for confirming it shouldn't effect the plant growth.

Daily dosing sounds good, does 5ml a day sounds right? (Weekly dose is 10ml per 70L and aquarium volume is 228L)

I think I read in your journal that you dose daily, can I ask what you do if you miss a day do you double dose the following day? Apologies for all the questions.

That daily dosing sounds fine, but what I did notice is that your fertiliser is only a iron enriched micro fertiliser so doesn't contain any macro nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates which are also needed for plants to do well. I'm not sure on what your current stocking level is, but if it's relatively high you should be ok with not having N and P addition. Of its low stocked maybe look at buying one of the sponsors all in one mixes for example apf all in one.
You'll know if plants lack those nutrients as you'll get yellowing leaves etc. If your gearing towards a low light set up them you could limit your water changes so the plants take up all the excess nutrients from fish waste etc.

As for missing doses yes just add the missed dose on the next day too. In all honesty I've never missed a dose as if I forget in the morning, I'll still add it at night even if lights are off to ensure I'm getting the right concentration.
Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

Hi Alastair,

I have added a signature now with my stock list... plant list is growing slowly, just need to find some tall growing low tech plants for the rear now, however the live stock should be remaining the same unless i come across a few more giant kuhli loach locally. 😛

Thanks for the all the tips on the ferts, think i'm going to continue with the current fertilizer for now and see how the plants do. Currently dosing daily as you advised at 5ml per day and will drop the water changes back down to one 20L water change a week. Currently still using RO but have purchased some Prime and will be starting to introduce small TAP water changes over time with the idea of slowly decrease the RO.

Have also ordered 50 Sagittaria subulata to plant around the cobbles at the front, still wasn't 100% sure if they will be ok in my low tech set-up but decided to give them a go.

Once again thanks for all you time and help, much appreciated!


Re: TetraUK's Tank Journal

That prime will last you a lifetime on 20L water changes a week ha ha. Sound like your on the right track mate, especially with beginning to add tap water as the ro removes any minerals from the water so your tank will be lacking calcium and magnesium which plants need.
50 saggitaria lol? Crikey that's a lot. Grows well when I've had it in low tech and grew stupidly well now I'm running hight tech too.
I'll keep an eye on it then mate good luck
Quick update on the 4ft... The daily dosing seems to be working, plants are currently still nice a green and growing with (dare I say it) no signs of any algae :thumbup:

Not sure how to add a video on here but here is a link to my aquarium which I took just before adding the Purigen... so I can do a before and after 😉


Nothing compaired to the aquariums featured on here, but I'm getting there slowly with plants... at least they are still alive! Used to just ripp them out and replace 😵

Needs a good overhall, but just keeping up with water changes, filter maintenance and dosing for now.