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45 cm cube iwagumi, my first tank :)

Hi, do you have enough flow?

BGA hates strong water current, a little power filter (eheim compact) or even a skimmer (eheim skim) can help. 😉

Also daily dosing of easylife easycarbo can get rid of it.
Why don't you remove purigen then?

BGA is actually cyano bacteria. It can be "cured" by some antibiotic. I can't translate to English the name of what is used in my country though.
I like polished water. Adding nitrogen should have the same affect. I looked into using antibiotics but many recommended against them as they only treat the symptoms and not the cause of the BGA.
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Hi, do you have enough flow?

BGA hates strong water current, a little power filter (eheim compact) or even a skimmer (eheim skim) can help. 😉

Also daily dosing of easylife easycarbo can get rid of it.
I was dosing excel for a few weeks but it didn't seem to affect the BGA.

I also looked into flow being the issue but I seem to be getting BGA where there is a lot of flow from the cal aqua down facing lily pipe. I can visibly see the strong flow from the c02 being distributed right over the BGA.
I would consider lowering the phosphates to half a recommended dose.
Any reason why? The BGA appeared before I begun dosing phosphates and nitrogen. My measuring kit was showing low phosphates but I have heard they're accuracy is bad.
Sometimes excess of phosphates can cause BGA especially with no nitrates present.
That could be it because after my diatom bloom there was a lot of plant decay which would have meant zero nitrates and high phosphates, and that's when the BGA started!
I fought a 6 week fight with BGA, my plants suffered terribly. They're finally bouncing back.

Some of my Australian Glass shrimp have had babies. Only a handful survived, but I heard that they don't breed in freshwater?

Added Gear:
Chihiros Aquasky 452
Chihiros Doctor 2
Bazooka Atomiser
Eheim Skimmer 350

Added Plants:
Fissiden Moss (only been a few days)

Still need to learn how to take photos of tanks. It seems difficult.



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Hi all,
Gold Tetra. I like them too.
<"Hemigrammus rodwayi">, I've never seen a gold one, so I assume they are captive bred. They are a really nice fish and a a brilliant platinum colour.

I've had them in a planted tank, with floaters and tannin tinted water, and they were always out and about.

cheers Darrel
Hi all, <"Hemigrammus rodwayi">, I've never seen a gold one, so I assume they are captive bred. They are a really nice fish and a a brilliant platinum colour.

I've had them in a planted tank, with floaters and tannin tinted water, and they were always out and about.

cheers Darrel
These ones are wild caught. I think they need the presence of a parasite to have their skin turn gold.

They were less shy when the ambulia was tall and bushy, but i had to cut it back when I had BGA. I'm sure once it grows back they will be happier. It's not floaters and tinted water, but I'm not living in my dream house either, lol.

Mine only hide when I'm close. They're active when I'm a couple of metres away. They school really nicely.
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Does anyone have any recommendations for plants I can squeeze in here ? I have Ambulia, HC, MC, hair grass and fissiden Moss. I'm using this tank as a learning experience so I want to try and grow as many different plants as I can.
Micranthemum micranthemoides would fit nicely behind the rocks or rotala wallichi, a few small crypts like parva or pygmea or willisi could be mixed into the carpet around the rocks, hygro araguia can also be mixed into the carpet plants to good effect, riccardia chamdryfolia can be wedged into rock crevices to name a few.
Micranthemum micranthemoides would fit nicely behind the rocks or rotala wallichi, a few small crypts like parva or pygmea or willisi could be mixed into the carpet around the rocks, hygro araguia can also be mixed into the carpet plants to good effect, riccardia chamdryfolia can be wedged into rock crevices to name a few.

Micranthemum micranthemoides will definitely work. I saw some cool shots of hygro araguaia mixed into carpets and bushy plants, but I'm worried the leaves are too big for my tank. I might try some riccardia too, even though I already have fissiden, doesn't hurt to try both.

Thank you so much for the suggestions Tim.