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3d backgrounds or not?


13 Aug 2008
Surrey, UK
hi guys, im having a bit of a problem on this one. You all know of the juwel 3D backgrounds (if you dont things like these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JUWEL-ROCK-60...Fish?hash=item2c4f8d4b90&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 ) sorry its an ebay link! im not trying to sell anything honest :lol:

anyway, i cant decide whether to use them? do they sit flush to the back and sides of the tank?
do they end up really mucky after a short while? any opinions on them? i know they dont actually look natural but im not too fussed, i want something that will look good to me, and to non fishkeepers that walk into my house!
i looked into these when i first set my 240l up.
read a fair bit about them shrinking or coming unstuck, also they are pretty big and will take up a lot a space in the tank and would be a nightmare to clean should you get any algae in the tank!
i'm really glad i didn't bother, i also wish i never used the juwel terrace too tho! :0/

how about a moss wall?
for a nice planted set up i prefer to have a crisp look, i feel these backgrounds are for the more biotope aquariums, in which they can look amazing. I have a marine black bark background for my 60litre(neolamprologus multifasciatus) and to me its a big benefit, it looks good, and on that particular model of tank where the water stains get all down the back it is a treat to look at, however i do feel things get caught down there, for example food. they can fit flush and you can make a really neat job of it, the reason the jewel ones put me off is that on most tanks you will need to have 2, creating a vertical line 🙁

good luck
The backrounds are ok. But there is a better person selling them on ebay. I bought one for my tank at 70 pounds and its fibreglass. People say it can effect waterflow, I can understand a little with them. I have not had any probs thou. They do need sealed into the tank and if not made to size they will need trimmed to fit, People who see mine say its lovely. I like it and thats that. Its a personal thing isnt it? If you like it then thats that. 😀 They are nice. 😀
When i originally bought my 720 litre, i also purchased the Back to Nature Amazonia background, which was visually stunning, but as you can guess, had very poor circulation, fish would get trapped and breed behind the background, and planting space was limited to around 1/5 of the area of the tank. Of course i took a jigsaw to the background. :lol: :lol:




ah, thats more what i was thinking. TDI's sticks out way to far for my liking, but some of the juwel ones only stick out a couple of inches but still allow that depth.
However, i dont want fish getting stuck behind them, nor do i want it coated in algae, although, it will give my SAE's and BN a good feed. :lol: