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35ltr Nano Fighter Tank

I bet they would, but I don't beed the little buggers for puffers I'm afraid 😀

This entire colony is from 1 snails! go figure 8)

Well been a while since I updated, I have added a 2nd 11w light, changed the planting, I think it looks way better now, just a few plant species instead of lots of🙂






Looking much better now Johnny, less plants favour nanos and lucky betta to have such a nice tank 😉
I just introduced one to my tank two weeks ago, red one (gift from the missus) she likes them.
Thanks 😀 certainly better than in a Pet at Home Tank 😉

Any suggestions for a plant mid ground?

fine, very nice, I only took it out for a change, if I use again I will put more in I don't think I had enough in there and some plants were a pig to get rooted properly.

Have changed over to Tropica Plant Substrate and silica sand for the time being, see how plant growth goes with that

looking really good... you are defintely an aquascaper. That final re-scape proves it once and for all!

maybe one of the guru's could then advise me on where to put some wood in this tank without ruining the 'look' as I have a BN plec in there and he'll need his wood to chew on 🙂

Well, a quick update, we lost 'Shimmer' a while ago, we now have 'Maverick' he'll be our last betta, and can't do with them living for such a short time :cry:

So we created a nice little home for him, nice and simple, a large bit of wood, some anubais, fern and a few other bits, he has a few oto's for company too.

Its a pig to photograph, as seen below, some tips on how best to photgraph this tank would be most welcome as would any advice on making this nicer




Nice! I'm sure he loves it.

Here's a few simple tips that seem to work for me:

- Switch the room lights off, tank iights on - as much light on the tank as possible
- Flash off, but experiment with diffusing the flash by covering it with white paper (maybe several layers)
Room lights were off, including the other tanks in the room, I don't have any fancy light apart from a EX430(?) flashgun, can just normal lighting be used, table lamps? there just doesn't seem to be anywhere near enough light to get it to look nice, looks great in the flesh(IMHO) just looks very dark in the snaps 🙄

