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30cm cube filtration options


25 Oct 2019
Hi everyone.

I'm current using a Filtosmart 60 and I'm considering upgrading it to a larger filter that can hold more biomedia. As it stands I'm not sure if the biomedia can handle any ammonia spikes from disturbances in the substrate (which happens a lot in this tank seeing as it's full of stems which need regular replanting). I'll eventually have to refresh my old aquasoil with handfuls of new soil and root tabs too.

The flow on the Filto60 is adequate but I could use a tiny bit more. Also a larger hose size would be nice so that I can fit inline CO2 on this thing (probably unnecessary for a small tank but I'd like to remove the intank diffuser if I can).

I'm looking at the Eheim 250 classic as an affordable option but the main downside is having to buy the double taps for it. With the double tap, an inline diffuser and a reducer so that I can continue using my 9/12 inlet and outlet pipes that is a lot of stuff I have to fit on the hoses.

Considering a straight upgrade to a Filtosmart 100. But I'm not sure if I want another Oase machine.

There are also filters from Chinese manufacturers from Shiruba but honestly I'm not sure if those are any good.

I would really appreciate some thoughts on this. Thank you everyone.
Not sure if this helps but I use an eheim ecco pro 300 on my 30cm cube with aquario neo flow premium v2 and would never go back to a hob/internal filter. I have never had any issues and eheim has been great for me, maintenance is a breeze and it allows me to enjoy the cube.
Was the reason for wanting to keep 9/12 hoses?

I have the 350 on a 35l and it’s seems about right for flow although depends on scapes, tank dimensions etc.
Was the reason for wanting to keep 9/12 hoses?

I have the 350 on a 35l and it’s seems about right for flow although depends on scapes, tank dimensions etc.

Ah, I'm using this really dinky pipes for my inlet and outlet which I really like. Feel like anything larger than that will look too big on my tank. And also I don't want to buy another set of pipes.

I do slightly regret buying a Filto 60 and not a 100 from the start. But I feel like even though the Filtosmart does have a good enough turnover rate for nano tanks the volume of the filter itself is really small. Can't fit much media in there at all.

I'm using a Biomaster 350 on my 90cm long tank actually. It's adequate there!

Not sure if this helps but I use an eheim ecco pro 300 on my 30cm cube with aquario neo flow premium v2 and would never go back to a hob/internal filter. I have never had any issues and eheim has been great for me, maintenance is a breeze and it allows me to enjoy the cube.

Thank you. Is the flow very strong? I'm not sure I need such a big filter on my little tank. Bioload on mine is quite low too. Space is limited in there so I only have 6 ruby tetras in there at the moment and will not be adding any more fish. Or am I perhaps underfiltering my tanks and things will crash eventually?

For reference I've been running my 30cm in its current form for 5 to 6 months now and the plants are growing much better than in previous scapes. Although I've only used the Filto 60 for a year and in two scapes. Used a HOB in previous iterations although I don't think I will go back to a HOB for planted tanks anymore.
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