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30 x 30 x 30 Unnamed 'scape....

Dan Crawford

21 Jun 2007
Daventry, Northants
Well the racing season is finished so i've been able to dedicate a little more time to my tanks. I've had this 30cm Optiwhite sitting empty for a while and thought it was a bout time i did something with it!

I've use products, plants and equipment that I had lying around.

The plants are:
Myriophyllum mattogrossense (1-2-GROW in the background)
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Hygrophila corymbosa 'Angustifolia'

30cm x 30cm x 30cm Aquariums Ltd Optiwhite

Fluval 405

2 x 18w Aquadistri

ADA AquaSoil Amazonia Powder which has sat in a pot in the garden growing moss for over a year!

Mini Landscape Rock
Manzanita Wood


None yet, to follow shortly

Nothobranchius guentheri
Cherry Shrimp

With this tank i'm aiming for a bit of a jungle, something that doesn't take too much manicuring and can almost be left to it's own devices.

Any thoughts or critiques are welcome as always!

Nice one, Dan. Have you still got that lovely Discus in the tank next door?

By the way, judging by the second photo, your colouring in is really coming along nicely.

SteveUK said:
Nice! I'm loving that mate 🙂 How long has it been running?
Cheers Steve, these were taken on the day of planting, so it's a couple of days old now.
Dave Spencer said:
Have you still got that lovely Discus in the tank next door?
I passed him on to a smalltime local breeder down the road, at the time i couldn't afford more of them and it wasn't fair. He really was the coolest fish in the world!
Dave Spencer said:
judging by the second photo, your colouring in is really coming along nicely
Well i'm 27 and 3/4 now, i'm getting good!
I really like the hardscape, but not the messy look of the Hygrophila corymbosa 'Angustifolia'. I would just leave Hygrophila pinnatifida where it is and remove all other stem plants, leaving the HC.

The H. Pinnatifida seems a great replacement for a fern, good looking plant peeking in between the wood.
Thanks for the feedback Luis, it's the first time i've grown this plant and i love it so far. I can see it's going to go mental but once it's established i'm hoping that i'll be able to trim it to have a perfect bush growing from the centre to ahight that i desire, maybe I won't but you've gotta try :thumbup:
Thanks folks, it's good to be back in the game so to speak.

Gotta get back into a routine, it's never been something I've got my head round lol

Next I've gotta get a refill bottle for my Nano CO2 kit, I've got a lot of light over it so I'd better get it sooner rather than later!

There's plenty of flow from the 405, so much so I'm struggling to stop the flow from drilling a hole in the substrate!
Nice to see you back with a setup mate,get that co2 in mate before the algae men arrive 😉 ,
Dave Spencer said:
, judging by the second photo, your colouring in is really coming along nicely.


I had to scan the whole picture then, but when i spotted it i nearly wet myself with laughter! :lol: came across very 'dry' Dave, but very funny!

I saw this tank yesterday, and it looks real nice!
Mark Evans said:
I saw this tank yesterday, and it looks real nice!
Thanks mark.

Just a quick update: I've added some new plants and replaced some.
I've replaced the Hygrophila corymbosa with P. Erectus because i've never grown it. I enjoyed working with the H. corymbosa, it grows so fast you can really find out how to "work" it. I've got a photo of it somewhere in a nice form. One of the annoyances was that if you let it grow out of the tank then it flowers, once it's flowered I can't bare to cut it down = messy aquascape!

I've also added some Staurogyne repens.

The HC isn't doing great so i trimmed it right back and put a thing layer of aquasoil over it in an attempt to just expose the god growth, we'll see!

I've got CO2 on there, T'd off from my big tank using an adjustable T piece.

Last Saturday Mark Evans came over to collect a tank that he'll be aquascaping ready for Vivarium. I gave him the glassware off this tank (braking it in the process) when i installed the temporary glassware i'd accidentally kinked the hose from the filter. Stupid old me didn't notice it till last night and I was wondering why things "weren't looking too good". Oh well, things should pick up again soon.

I've not been doing the water changes, i've only done one in two weeks! I need to get my ass in gear and start doing them daily coz the algae is about to bite me, hard!!!

Dan Crawford said:
Last Saturday Mark Evans came over to collect a tank that he'll be aquascaping ready for Vivarium. I gave him the glassware off this tank (braking it in the process) when i installed the temporary glassware i'd accidentally kinked the hose from the filter. Stupid old me didn't notice it till last night and I was wondering why things "weren't looking too good". Oh well, things should pick up again soon.

It's my bad karma mate... I just waltz in, take stuff and leave you with broken glassware, kinked hoses etc... :lol: soz man.