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3 Questions


19 Oct 2012
Ontario, Canada
1. I have 5 glowlight tetras.
They have started to swim among the plant leaves, 1 plant in particular. Why is this?
breeding? laying eggs?

2. it seems my fish want to be salmon swiming upstream in the current. Is this a good thing?
Is this a normal behaviour or is it not normal, ie: sick tank, fish sick??????

3. Is it ok to remove a plant from its spot and break more plants from it to plant elsewhere
without killing the plant? I was afraid when I initially planted it to break apart the large bushel of stems.

Love to hear your comments?
Thank you...
1) They may just be using it for cover, breeding behaviour is pretty noticeable.

2) They probably enjoy it 🙂

3) Depending on the plant, this is possible?