1. I have 5 glowlight tetras.
They have started to swim among the plant leaves, 1 plant in particular. Why is this?
breeding? laying eggs?
2. it seems my fish want to be salmon swiming upstream in the current. Is this a good thing?
Is this a normal behaviour or is it not normal, ie: sick tank, fish sick??????
3. Is it ok to remove a plant from its spot and break more plants from it to plant elsewhere
without killing the plant? I was afraid when I initially planted it to break apart the large bushel of stems.
Love to hear your comments?
Thank you...
They have started to swim among the plant leaves, 1 plant in particular. Why is this?
breeding? laying eggs?
2. it seems my fish want to be salmon swiming upstream in the current. Is this a good thing?
Is this a normal behaviour or is it not normal, ie: sick tank, fish sick??????
3. Is it ok to remove a plant from its spot and break more plants from it to plant elsewhere
without killing the plant? I was afraid when I initially planted it to break apart the large bushel of stems.
Love to hear your comments?
Thank you...