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3 months on.


New Member
28 Apr 2021
Hello everyone,
Well it’s 3 months on since my last post and 5 months since planting, the plants are growing in some better than others. I turned down the lighting a little more as advised and I have added co2, dropper is a nice apple green. A few details 90 x 60 x 45 with sump filtration total 280 l jecod 6500 pump plus 2 wave makers. Fluval plant 46w lighting running at 40% dosing with liquid carbon 8ml per day and TNC complete 10ml per day. Water parameters ph 6.6/6.8 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20 - 30ppm phosphate 1.0 50% water change weekly.
Not having a lot of luck with the H’ra or Ludwigia, the Bucephalandra are growing since the initial problems with melting and the anubias are okay but look like they may have some deficiencies. so any advice would be most welcome, do I need to increase the lighting or the ferts? I will probably go onto dry ferts when the TNC runs out. Thanks in anticipation.


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Hi, yes some of the leaves do look a tad yellow so could well be a sign of deficiencies, also if you're now injecting co2 you probably need to up your fertiliser dosage to the levels you were adding a few months ago, I'd suggest upping it back to 20mls a day and see if you notice any improvements within a couple of weeks.

Personally I'd wait till you get the fertiliser dosage increase results before you start increasing the light intensity, and when you do increase, do it slowly.
I've recently converted a low tech tank to high tech and didn't adjust the lighting for about 4 weeks until I was happy I'd got the co2 tunned in, and when I did start increasing the intensity it was in small 2~3% increments and then watched for several days before increasing it any more.

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Thanks John, I was thinking it may be the ferts level also doing my best not to get algae issues lol