Its been a long time coming, way too long, but I've finally gone ahead with setting up a new tank. This will only be my second tank but I'm hopefully going to put into practice everything I've learned from my first and then confuse things even more by running CO2 as well!
. First tank was somewhat of an 'adventure' to say the least as can be seen in the threads below.
First Tank
BGA Nightmare
I did eventually come out of the other side of that nightmare and the tank has been running well, albeit not the prettiest, for some years now. The old tank was sat atop an Ikea cabinet and when I first proposed the idea to the wife that I was going to rescape and use rocks instead her instant response was 'not on that unit your not you need something stronger'. Thats fine I said, but if I get a different tank I will need a new filter, new lighting etc. to which I got an eye roll and a 'whatever'. Ding ding! green light to go shopping, mission accomplished!!
So after shopping around, and the missus eyes getting wider and wider as more and more parcels arrived, I assembled the following:-
Evolution Aqua / DD Aquascaper 600 - 60x50x36 100L
Oase Biomaster Thermo 350
Chirhiros WRGB2
CO2 Art Pro SE Reg
Twinstar Diffuser
ADA Amazonia V2
ADA Power Sand
ADA La Plata Sand
Rio Xingu Gravel
About 20ish Kgs Seiryu Stone
Plan this time around was to do a dark start so after much faffing and rearranging of stone I finalised my layout. Filled the tank up, set the filter running and wrapped the baby up!

I think at this point the family thought I was going mad but had just stopped questioning me!!

More to follow.....

First Tank
BGA Nightmare
I did eventually come out of the other side of that nightmare and the tank has been running well, albeit not the prettiest, for some years now. The old tank was sat atop an Ikea cabinet and when I first proposed the idea to the wife that I was going to rescape and use rocks instead her instant response was 'not on that unit your not you need something stronger'. Thats fine I said, but if I get a different tank I will need a new filter, new lighting etc. to which I got an eye roll and a 'whatever'. Ding ding! green light to go shopping, mission accomplished!!

So after shopping around, and the missus eyes getting wider and wider as more and more parcels arrived, I assembled the following:-
Evolution Aqua / DD Aquascaper 600 - 60x50x36 100L
Oase Biomaster Thermo 350
Chirhiros WRGB2
CO2 Art Pro SE Reg
Twinstar Diffuser
ADA Amazonia V2
ADA Power Sand
ADA La Plata Sand
Rio Xingu Gravel
About 20ish Kgs Seiryu Stone
Plan this time around was to do a dark start so after much faffing and rearranging of stone I finalised my layout. Filled the tank up, set the filter running and wrapped the baby up!

I think at this point the family thought I was going mad but had just stopped questioning me!!

More to follow.....