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275L Tank. Need some advice to start


18 Mar 2012
Hello everyone,

I must say that am not good with plants.Iv seen so many amazing planted tank here, i just want mine to be lush and to be honest i like jungle type planted tank,and bushy ones..
I tried so many times but could not achieve it without algae or plants just losing leaves and had to start again..

I have a 275L aquarium
its currently a low tech one,,
I will buy a pressurized co2 system maybe next month.

2x 24W T5 (with reflectors)
2x 30W T8 (without reflectors)

Plants that i have atm:-
Hygrophila polysperma
Hygrophila corymbosa
lugwidia repens(which is not growing well atm)
sagitarria subulata(which is growing but taking a blahblahblahblah lot of time to grow)
amazon swords

Forgot to mention i am very low on budget,as am a student and i dont work
So please forgive me as this will/may be a very lazy journal,as i need to save money first before i can buy anything costly . 😛

I would really appreciate you help guys,and i hope i get better result in the end,.
Re: Help me make my tank beautiful

forgot to mention that.. **edited the post
Re: Help me make my tank beautiful

Is this too much light for a low tech or too little light?

i usually use only 2 tubes, either 2x 24W T5 or 2x 30W T8,,

When i use all 4 tube, i see that i get algae.. :/

Lightning on 10hours per day
Re: Help me make my tank beautiful

Hi there,
The current lighting intensity is not excessive over 275l.
10 hours is a long photoperiod though, maybe if your getting algae reduce that down to maybe 7hrs.
How low tech is the current set up? Are you using carbon enrichment of any sort, and any type of fertilisers?
More info on filtration, sustrate type etc will help folk advise better too, plus your future plans for the tank as you have already said you are looking to buy pressurised c02 which will change things....more towards a high tech set up.
Re: Help me make my tank beautiful

Atm no fertilizers/no carbon/no co2

But i am going to buy a co2 kit soon and also i'l have to buy ferts.
Re: Help me make my tank beautiful

here is how my tank looks like atm,,sorry for low quality photo

Re: Help me make my tank beautiful

my lugwidia is losing their lower leaves as you can see.. and the upper leaves seems bigger as well. Why is that?

and this is my crypt which recently the roots are growing upwards.. :crazy: i have 7cm + gravel in this tank

Should i change the substrate? its plain gravel btw ..

first thing you need is plant food of some sort. Root tabs or liquid or dry powders. You do not need carbon to have a great tank. Reduce lighting to what has been suggested. Which filter do you have?
am thinking of changing this substrate and use soil instead.
I have a powerhead filter in this tank.