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275 litre - Angels (lazy journal)

George Farmer

21 Jun 2007
Hi all,

This is my latest 'scape. I set it up 6 weeks ago but have been too busy to take photos since then, except the occasion iPhone pics I've put on Twitter. I've only actually done two 50% water changes since then too, which is a bit naughty in new tank!

It's a South America-themed tank. All plants and fish originate from that continent. I will send a new 500ml bottle of TPN+ to anyone that can 100% ID all the plants in there (correct latin names)!

It has some way to go yet but I'm happy with the progress so far. There's impressive growth in 6 weeks, testament to the effectiveness of the entire system including Elos substrate and ferts. It's also refreshing to use T5s after being to used to LED. The colour rendition is really great - I'm using a mix of Hagen Life-Glo and Power-Glo. 4 x 39w T5 gives me a PAR of 60 at the substrate which is plenty for any plant. There's no proper reflectors but the hood flaps have a white reflective surface. I was concerned that the Fluval G6 filter may be underpowered but there's a good all-over circulation provided by the twin-outlets. I'm using an internal heater because I didn't really have room in the cabinet for an inline heater. The background is painted with blackboard paint which works brilliantly. CO2 comes on 2hrs before lights on, and off 1hr before lights off. I'm aiming for about 20ppm CO2. More than that and the angelfish slow down and lose their appetite.

For me the angelfish are the main attraction in here. I can sit for hours in front of this tank - but unfortunately rarely have the time!

6 weeks by George Farmer, on Flickr

angels resize by George Farmer, on Flickr

angel1 resize by George Farmer, on Flickr

rummy by George Farmer, on Flickr

Tank Fluval Profile 1000, 100x48x65H, 275 litres
Lighting 4 x 39w T5, 8hrs, PAR 60 at substrate
Filter Fluval G6 through drilled tank
CO2 2Kg FE, solenoid, inline diffuser, 2BPS, approx 20ppm
Substrate Elos substrate system
Ferts Elos system
Water 80% RO, 20% tap, 50% water change every 2 weeks
Hi George,
the tank looks amazing as usual. :thumbup:
The dimensions of the profile tanks are great for angels and these look like they have already grown a lot! The scaping is excellent giving a heavily planted feel with plenty of open swimming space for the inhabitants.
Unfortunately i have no idea about the plants but am pleased that tropica have released their tpn+ in the larger 500ml size!
Cheerio for now
That looks very nice indeed George, you have used the height of that tank brilliantly! Something I struggled with in my old deep corner tank.

My knowledge is not upto naming the plants, shame as I could do with the TPN+ 😉

The fish look great too - how do you find the side opening cabinet doors?
Hint: George's using Tropica plants and there are around 5 species, about one of them he spoke recently in a thread. 😉

Nice tank there mate, not sure about the large branch though (guess you are using it for angels to lay eggs). :wave:
How's Elos soil comparing to Amazonia?

Thanks, all and apologies for the lack of response on this thread.

Arana said:
Lovely George :thumbup: how did you find the Elos substrate was to work with?
It's very similar to all the other soil-type products out there, but less uniform in texture and grain size. It also doesn't leech any ammonia. I stocked my fish the following day after installation after confirming this with Elos.

clonitza said:
Nice tank there mate, not sure about the large branch though (guess you are using it for angels to lay eggs).
The branch has been bugging me actually so I'm in the middle of a re-scape. Also, I'm so busy with work and family commitments that the tank isn't getting the maintenance it needs (I haven't changed any water in over 3 weeks) and the stems are trying to lift off the hood!

I'm considering a total re-scape using just large Echinodorus and better wood.

clonitza said:
How's Elos soil comparing to Amazonia?
Hard to say exactly, of course, but it's very impressive. I've never grown such a healthy carpet so easily of Lilaeopsis brasiliensis before. It's actually more expensive than Amazonia so Elos may have a hard time competing in the UK with it. The main advantages are lack of ammonia and no staining. I'm not sure if the lack of ammonia means less overall nitrogen availability but it's certainly providing plenty of nutrients in conjunction with the Elos ferts.

The plants -

Heteranthera zosterfolia
Hygrophila sp. "Araguaia"
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
Alternanthera reineckii sp. "Mini"
Staurogyne repens

Thanks again.
Hi George! I love this tank, heteranthera zosterifolia is one of my favourite plants, I have had this in my tank for well over a year and still grows like a weed, I have found that you can prune it as hard as you like and it still comes back strong. I love the angel fish too, they really complete the scape nicely.
Thanks George for the input. I think the soil's price will drop to it's normal price if many folks will start using it but it will take some time, of course.

Pity no one took your plant challenge, I knew the names but well I thought someone else will try identifying them. It's a good exercise, I think, for a new aquascapper wannabe. 🙂

Regarding your rescape, not sure about swords, they are nice but take a lot of space and tend to hide your fish which I think are the real value of the scape. I'd go for floating plants, delicate stems, lots of open space for your fish to swim, some thin branches here and there and stones to make the transition from the plants to the open space.

I really like this design,

but you are using dark soil so I would mix maybe only red plants to add some drama to the overall feel of the tank like
Cabomba Furcata (you used it before), Ludwigia inclinata (not cuba), Hygrophila sp. "Araguaia" and floating plants such as Phyllanthus fluitans and Ludwigia Sedoides.

Just an idea. 🙂

Thanks for the ideas mate. I really appreciate thoughtful input like that! Certainly some food for thought.

I was really quite fed-up with it earlier and ripped out the Sumatra Wood and H. zosterfolia. There was devastation, as the wood was buried and the qty. of weed was incredible. Thankfully the G6 cleared it in no time.

angel re-scape - step 1 by George Farmer, on Flickr

I added some Manzi wood and needle fern, but as you can see there's lots of work to do... I might do a total plant strip down and re-plant with different composition using the healthiest of the old plants.

Thoughts most welcome - from everyone. I've lost focus on this 'scape and need a good kick up the ass!

The main objective is that it needs to be low-maintenance. I may even go non-CO2.
George Farmer said:
I was really quite fed-up with it earlier and ripped out the Sumatra Wood and H. zosterfolia.
George Farmer said:
The main objective is that it needs to be low-maintenance. I may even go non-CO2.

Hi George,
i know the sumatra wood had a sawn end, but for me it looked more 'at one' with the angelfish and the scape as a whole than the manzi wood, and i liked the zosterfolia plant mass. I appreciate however that stems arnt exactly low maintanence. You could go vallis, blyxa japonica, tenellus for structured grassy feel, im sure the angels would like that, but again maybe its not low maintanence. I know youve done it before but surely low maintanence, non c02 lends itself to crypts. Crypts huddled around the base of your wood with the needle leaf fern and maybe some balansae or aponogeton (red or green) for height would work well. Maybe an open sand/fine gravel bed to the right would offer the space needed for the angels.
Youre a top scaper George, im sure youll regain focus and bring it back.
For total low maintanence just biotope it again!!!
Hi Ady,

Thanks for all the thoughtful feedback. I really appreciate it when folk put some effort into their posts, like you clearly do. All the points you raise are valid and well worth considering.

However... I have decided to strip down this tank and put it into storage.

The fish are as happy as pigs in poo and are on long-term loan to Dan Crawford who has a 450 litre tank with auto-water changer using RO water.

I've taken the decision to run just the one tank now (kitchen shallow 60cm) because I want to spend more time concentrating on my family before I deploy to Afghanistan for 6 months later this year. I have also declined several invitations for trips abroad such as the Hannover contest with Amano, Tropica's tank prep for Interzoo, Interzoo itself and Aquatics Live. Roll on 2013!!

Thanks again for the feedback and keep up the thoughtful posting!

take it with you George, i've got a mate who works at Waddington on the ground, i'm sure i can get him to hide it in a Hercules.

just think, you'll come back with all these new ideas!
ianho said:
take it with you George, i've got a mate who works at Waddington on the ground, i'm sure i can get him to hide it in a Hercules.

just think, you'll come back with all these new ideas!
Lol. Imagine the size of the chiller I'd need! It's about 50C when I go...
George Farmer said:
I have decided to strip down this tank and put it into storage.

The fish are as happy as pigs in poo and are on long-term loan to Dan Crawford who has a 450 litre tank with auto-water changer using RO water.

I've taken the decision to run just the one tank now (kitchen shallow 60cm) because I want to spend more time concentrating on my family before I deploy to Afghanistan for 6 months later this year. I have also declined several invitations for trips abroad such as the Hannover contest with Amano, Tropica's tank prep for Interzoo, Interzoo itself and Aquatics Live. Roll on 2013!!

Having a job and commitments whereby you spend time away from the family and home must be difficult. Its great that you have rehomed the fish, im sure as you said 450l with ro will undoubtedly suit them well.
It must be hard turning down gigs such as the Hannover contest with Amano, but family comes first.
Good luck in Afghan.