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240v pump

a rix

2 May 2015
Could anyone let me know where I can get a submersible 240v pump that would fit into a 25ltr water container neck.

many thanks Anthony rix
Why does it have to be 240 volt? What are you using it for. I have a TMC auto top up which is a 12v pump - 240v volt power supply. That fits into my 25l bottle

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I want to use it to put the water back in the tank after a water change i was after 240v to keep me from getting a transformer
Oh right. Cool. I do the same with an old Juwel powehead. You will struggle to find a pump that will fit in the lid opening of a 25l container. You might have to cut a hole in the top.

Also - my pump struggles to pump from the floor to the tank, so I put my container on a chair and it works ok.

I use a JBL u750 (16mm pipe) and/or a Eheim 1002 (22mm pipe) to pump from my heated water butt into the tank. Both have sufficient head (1.7m JBL and 2m Eheim) to easily cope pumping from floor level to tank. Not sure either would fit through neck of water containers though.
Yeah I think I'mgoing to have to get a caravan one and a transformer
I get my ro in the 25ltr container so would rather not have to transfer it over